IELTS Superior Speaking has been specifically designed for IELTS candidates whose first language is Chinese. The aim of this IELTS speaking book is threefold. 《IELTS 9 分口语》是专为母语为中文的IELTS考生设计的口语学习书,其主要目的如下:
Download this IELTS Speaking Feedback Sheet as a PDF for classroom use. Fluency and Coherence Does your partner: Avoid silence or hesitation? Speak at length on each topic? Use words to connect ideas? Lexical Resource Does your partner: ...
MJeredith创作的外语有声书作品IELTS Superior Speaking,目前已更新1个声音,收听最新音频章节Sample 1 Natural Disasters Part 1。
I have seen students literally trembling in uncertainty when asked to take an IELTS test. Doubting their abilities for no apparent reason, they believe that passing the IELTS exam is just not possible. Eventually, some of them end up taking extra preparation classes, sometimes carrying the fear ...
【Recordatorio Amigable】 - Si encuentras algún problema, por favor intenta abrir: Talkface APP - el signo de interrogación en la esquina superior derecha de la página de inicio - contáctanos directamente y explícanos tu problema, nosotros lo seguiremos y resolveremos. ...
94 IELTS 高分聽力(增訂版)=IELTS listening leader 眾文圖書 95 IELTS 高分口語(增訂版)=IELTS superior speaking 眾文圖書 96 IELTS 高分寫作(增訂版)=IELTS write right 眾文圖書 無聲音檔 IELTS 雅思 ( 留學歐洲/ 澳洲用) 書名書名 出版社出版社 備註備註 No VIP免费下载 您...
Overall though, the IELTS writing reevaluation success rate and IELTS speaking reevaluation success rate are low. Should You Request a Revaluation? Factors to Consider Whether you should request a rescore of your IELTS exam depends on your circumstances. But there are several questions to keep in...
[雅思IELTS核心讲义]IELTS极品雅思作文(学术类).pdf,写作总论 第一节 雅思写作简述 言测试的一种重要手段,它能全面且综合地反映出被测试者对某种语言的掌握程度,因而在任何一种考试中,写 作都是不可或缺的测试内容之一。然而写作也是艰难的尤其是用外语写作,所以用专门
Understanding the interplay between DST, L2 speaking skills, self-regulation, and speaking anxiety is crucial for several reasons. First, DST may enhance speaking skills not only by providing practice opportunities but also by encouraging learners to actively engage in self-regulatory processes. Creating...
Vocational: A minimum of 5.0 in each category (Listening, Reading, Writing, & Speaking) Competent: A minimum of 6.0 in each category Proficient: A minimum of 7.0 in each category Superior: A minimum of 8.0 in each category (By any measures, this is a good IELTS score!) ...