Hi there, my name is Kara and in today's lesson we'll be looking at speaking part 1 of the IELTS. So first of all, you should note that in order to do well on the IELTS speaking parts, you will need to use a wide range of vocabulary to talk about various topics, such as food...
Free IELTS speaking test sample. Practice IELTS speaking topics with answers. Get templates for IELTS speaking part 1, 2, & 3. Sign up to our 7-day free trial today!
1. 2.Yes,Ithinkbrightcolours,likered,canmakeyoufeelenergetic.Somegreensandblues canbemorerelaxing. 3.PeoplegiveflowersonspecialoccasionslikebirthdaysoronValentinesDay.Inmy country,givingflowersisseenasromantic. IELTSSpeakingPart1:friendstopic Inpart1oftheIELTSspeakingtest,remembertokeepyouranswersshortandsimple...
IELTS SPEAKING Part1Part1 Your Work 1. What job (or, what work) do you do? 2. What does your company do? 3. What do you do in a typical day at work? 4. Do you need to work with (= co-operate with) other people at work? (teamwork question) 5. Do you like working with ...
( 5 - 8 ) 口语突破 /forum-233-1.html Well, I guess the speaking part. Please allow me to explain. Language is all about communication. So when I am able to communicate with someone in English, I feel that I have achieved something. I particularly like our free talk sessions with ...
You can see that some questions might produce shorter answers and other questions require more detail and explanation. This is normal in speaking part 1. Do you like plants? Yes, I do. I usually have at least one indoor pot plant in my sitting room such as a peace lily. ...
Example IELTS Speaking Test 1 An Important Event Part 1 Time: 4-5 minutes Now, in this first part of the test I'm going to ask you some questions about yourself. Are you a student or do you work now? Why did you choose this course/job?
Ideas in IELTS Part 1 Speaking For part 1, it is common to be asked many questions relating to usually three different topics. This will require you to have ideas for those topics. However, the questions are about your personal life or popular things in your country. This means you don’...
IELTS Speaking Sample 34 : An equipment of your household (such as computer, television, refrigerator etc.)
In "Job/Work IELTS Speaking Part 1 Sample Answers," we provide detailed sample responses to help you tackle questions related to Job/Work in the IELTS Speaking Part 1. This resource includes audio recordings for each answer, allowing you to practice pronunciation and intonation while enhancing ...