In Part 2 of theIELTS Speaking Module, you need to give a short talk, of about 1-2 minutes, on a simple topic. The questions do not require any specific knowledge, but are based on personal experience. You are handed a card with the topic and you have one minute to prepare your tal...
ielts speaking test part 2 describe famous scene your home town雅思口语考试部分描述你家乡一个著名场景.pdf,A famous scene in your home town IELTS Speaking Test PART 2 Sample Question and Answer, by Jane Lawson at DailyS Question: Describe a famous scene i
IELTS Speaking Part 2 Sample AnswersThese are further IELTS speaking part 2 sample answers. Giving AdviceDescribe a time when you gave someone advice. You should say: to whom you gave the advice what the advice was whether that person took your advice And explain why you gave the ...
Here you can listen to an IELTS speaking part 2 sample of a candidate taking a mock test.In part 2 of the speaking test you will need to speak for two minutes on a topic that the examiner gives to you. You will also have one minute to prepare....
IELTS Speaking Samples and Answers Part 1 Topic:"Cold weather". Part 2 Topic:"Describe a competition that you took part in". Part 3 Topic:"Competitions in school" & "Sporting competitions". Part One - Introduction [The examiner asks the candidate about him/herself, his/her home, work or...
IELTS Speaking Mock Test # 2Part 1 - Introduction[This part of the test begins with the examiner introducing himself or herself and checking the candidate’s identification. It then continues as an interview. In the interview, the examiner asks the candidate about his/her home, work or ...
by:Joey_The_Monster 191 IELTS Speaking by:Eternity_1109 2475 Official IELTS by:雅思听力 6069 ielts go by:omar雅思托福 3.5万 Mindset For IELTS by:雅思Derek 3.9万 Grammar for IELTS by:滚烫的锤锤 下载手机APP 7天免费畅听10万本会员专辑
IELTS Speaking Test PART 2 Sample Question and Answer by Jane Lawson at Question:Describe your hometown. You should say: Where it is located What it is known for What are the main industries in your hometown What languages are spoken there ...
Have a go at this sample task for IELTS Speaking, Part 1: Prompt Recording Transcript Part 2: Individual long turn 3 to 4 minutes After Part 1, the examiner will give you a topic and will ask you to talk about it for one to two minutes. ...
Let's look at a sample question from part two of the IELTS speaking test which we can use today.讲完后,考官会根据你所讲的内容问你一或两个简单的问题。我们来看一个今天可以用的雅思口语考试第二部分的问题范例。"Describe an important choice you made." You should say: what choices you had,...