Explanation for topic one history. In the IELTS speaking test, you may get topics you know very little about, or you may get topics that you know a lot about, so you want to be prepared for both. If you have never been to a historical museum, you can state why. It might be that ...
所属专辑:雅思口语Part 1 喜欢下载分享 声音简介History Have you ever been to historical museums?Yes I have. I have been to the national historical museum in Xi An province. Do you like history?Yes, I find history very interesting. It was one of my favourite subjects in high school. I ...
Q2: Do you think history is important? Answer: Yes and no. On the one hand, it is important because I think it shapes our identity, but on the other hand, I've been reading a few history books recently and it strikes me that history has a habit of repeating itself - it seems we...
Hi, guys. Today, I'm gonna share with you my five best tips for IELTS speaking part one, and I will do this with five model answers. So, you can see how to use these tips, so you can improve your answers and get a higher score in the IELTS speaking test. Let's do it!嗨,伙...
What'sthemostinterestingpartofyoursubject?Whatareyourfutureworkplans?Whatdoyouliketodojustafteryoufinishclasseveryday?Hometown/Accommodation Wheredoyoucomefrom? Whattouristattractionsarethereinyourhometown?Wouldaforeignvisitorenjoythem?Didyoulearnmuchaboutthehistoryofyourhometownin...
Whocareswhichpartisit 考试话题可以在3个部分中随意变化,去年的P1的话题在今年可能就变成了P2不过。。。每类话题都有固定要说的点Cities:location,history,people,food,cityscape,entertainment,movies,music,sports,yourfeelingP1可能会问Whatdoyoulikeaboutyourhometown?P3可能会问Doyouthinkyourhometownisgoodfor...
Master IELTS Speaking Part 1 with this complete guide. Get exclusive topics, questions, and top tips to boost your IELTS Speaking score!
Free IELTS speaking test sample. Practice IELTS speaking topics with answers. Get templates for IELTS speaking part 1, 2, & 3. Sign up to our 7-day free trial today!
IELTS Speaking Test has three partspart 1,part 2andpart 3. In part 1 of the Speaking test, the examiner will ask4-6general questions on familiar topics. It is expected that the examiner will introduce him/herself first and ask your name and then ask you to confirm your identity. ...
IELTSSPEAKINGPART1 系统标签: ieltshometownexaminerspeakinglivetelevsion IELTSSPEAKINGPART1IELTSSPEAKINGPART1INTRODUCTIONANDINTERVIEWINTRODUCTIONANDINTERVIEWAbilitiesassessedAbilitiesassessedTheabilitytocommunicateopinionsandinformationoneverydaytopicsandcommonexperiencesandsituationsStartoftestStartoftest Whenyouaregreetedatthedoo...