所属专辑:雅思口语Part 1 喜欢下载分享 声音简介History Have you ever been to historical museums?Yes I have. I have been to the national historical museum in Xi An province. Do you like history?Yes, I find history very interesting. It was one of my favourite subjects in high school. I ...
Explanation for topic one history. In the IELTS speaking test, you may get topics you know very little about, or you may get topics that you know a lot about, so you want to be prepared for both. If you have never been to a historical museum, you can state why. It might be that ...
9120小组的第一期雅思课: 10月28日更新至Session 4 - Speaking at length 雅思小组成员有DK(总分7.5听力9), Vince(总分9), 和把Vince教到9分的Lina(总分8.5口语8.5), 我们会跟大家分享最权威和有效的干货! 在第一季口语课程中我们会集中讲解在Part 1中所需要的各种考试工具。 展开更多...
Hi there, my name is Kara and in today's lesson we'll be looking at speaking part 1 of the IELTS. So first of all, you should note that in order to do well on the IELTS speaking parts, you will need to use a wide range of vocabulary to talk about various topics, such as food...
Free IELTS Speaking Test: Prepare with IELTS Speaking Topics and Templates for IELTS Speaking Part 1, 2, & 3 In this guide, you'll take a free IELTS speaking test and practice with the most frequently used IELTS speaking topics with answers. You'll learn how to answer IELTS speaking ...
IELTS SPEAKING PART 1 IELTSSPEAKINGPART1 INTRODUCTIONANDINTERVIEW Abilitiesassessed Theabilitytocommunicateopinionsandinformationoneverydaytopicsandcommonexperiencesandsituations Startoftest Whenyouaregreetedatthedoorbytheexaminer,theywillcheckthatyoudon’thaveanymobilephonethenaskyoutocomeinandsitdown.Makesure...
Check it out if it's right for you. It will also help you do really well in the IELTS speaking test.如果适合你,就去看看吧。这也会帮助你在雅思口语考试中取得好成绩。So, what about those tips? Let's have a look first of all tip number 1: use some connectors, maybe one or two, ...
IELTS SPEAKING Part1真题库202001-04 1.Name May I have your full name?/What’s your name? 2.Study&Major BP48; CP103 Are you a student or do you work? Where do youstudy?How is your school?Do you like it? Do you have any advice for your school?
ielts speaking part 1大事化小抓住问题的关键词展开思路首先提供主导信息如提供事实表述观点表明态度和立场然后提供具体细节如列举现象解释内容和意义陈述理由提供依据引证比较提供评价或意见和看法 Part One 话题多以 like 的题目和一般疑问句开始。回答最好以 PREP 结构进行。 考官的问题可以空洞,考生的回答却必须具体...
所属专辑:Speaking Part1 猜你喜欢 3829 IELTS by:Leah_Mars 1199 IELTS 19 by:典妈书房11 2352 Official IELTS by:雅思听力 8160 SpeakMax IELTS by:Joey_The_Monster 1611 IELTS Grammar by:阳彻 2024 IELTS Vocabulary by:阳彻 6069 ielts go