if you had donesome other types of questions( true/false/not given, multiple chooses, gap-fill) before the headline question => youmight remember someof the answers already at this point if one of the paragraphs isfresh in your memory,or you think youknow the answersnow =>do that paragra...
The Ielts Reading汇总 THEIELTSREAADINGHowDoesTheBiologicalClockTick?---Sabinalei ListofHeadings iThebiologicalclockiiWhydyingisbeneficialiiiTheageingprocessofmenandwomenivProlongingyourlifevLimitationsoflifespanviModesofdevelopmentofdifferentspeciesviiAstablelifespandespiteimprovementsviiiEnergyconsumptionixFundamental...
雅思 全套新东方ielts笔记 READING ★【汉魅】2003年2月新东方寒假班的阅读笔记 第一章介绍 一、阅读的题型:有8种,主要考前5种 1、标题对应:List of headings 2、完形填空:Summary 词数不超过55,每句话不超过15个,只考4—5个空,每个空都有选项;只考文章3个段落;1到2个形容词,其余是名词 3、真假判断:...
Cambridge 12 Test 5 Reading Passage 3 Name of the Passage: What’s the Purpose of Gaining Knowledge? Question 27-32List of Headings/ Matching Headlines In this kind of question, time is a crucial matter. It will take a lot of your important time. You must not waste too much time in ...
在笔者执教的阅读材料中有一篇文章的情形也是如此。同样是List of Headings 题型: Headings: III. Reading: the mark of civilization IV. Reading in St. Augustine's Day Question 1. Paragraph A A段中由于首句并且是首行就出现了异常醒目的St. Augustine..., 令许多学生在瞬间就充满自信地选中了 IV, 但事...
The reading passage has six paragraphs, B-F. Choose the most suitable headings for paragraphs B-F from the list of headings below. Write the appropriate numbers (i-ix) in boxes 14-18 on your answer sheet.NB There are more headings than paragraphs, so you will not use them all.List...
Reading Passage 2 has seven paragraphs, A-G. Choose the correct heading for each paragraph from the list of headings below. Write the correct number, i-viii, in boxes 14-20 on your answer sheet. List of Headings iA period in cold conditions before the technology is assessed ...
You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions14- 25, which are based on Reading Passage 256 below. Questions 14-19 The reading passage has seven paragraphs,A-G. Choose the correct heading for paragraphsB-Gfrom the list of headings below. ...
In this practice test you have to match headings to sections / paragraphs. Test 1: Section Two Questions 15-21 The text below has seven sections,A-G. Choose the correct heading for each section from the list of headings below the reading. Write the correct number i-x in the boxes below...