Choose the correct heading for paragraphsA-Hfrom the list below. Write the correct number,i-x, in boxes1-8on your answer sheet. List of Headings ipotential threat to buildings and crops despite of benefit. iithe cycle of sand moving forward with wind ...
In this practice test you have to match headings to sections / paragraphs. Test 1: Section Two Questions 15-21 The text below has seven sections,A-G. Choose the correct heading for each section from the list of headings below the reading. Write the correct number i-x in the boxes below...
Reading Passage 2 hasSIXparagraphs,A-F. Choose the correct heading,A-F, from the list of headings below. Write the correct number,i-ix. List of Headings i.A mixture of languages and nationalities ii.The creation of an exclusive identity ...
READING PASSAGE 2 You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 15-27, which are based on Reading Passage 1 below. Developmental Tasks of Normal Adolescence Some years ago, Professor Robert Havighurst of the University of Chicago, USA, proposed that stages in human development can best be thoug...
The reading passage has six paragraphs, A-FChoose the correct heading for paragraphs A-F from the list below.Write the correct number, i-xi, in boxes 1-6 on your answer sheet. List of Headings i overview of the benefits for application of E-training ii IBM’s successful choice of train...
Reading Passage 2 has nine paragraphs,A-H Choose the correct heading for each section from the list of headings below Write the correct number,i-x, in boxes14-20on your answer sheet. List of Headings iGetting the finance for production ...
Reading Passage 304 has nine paragraphs A-I. Choose the correct heading for Paragraphs B, D, E, F, G & H from the list of headings below. Write the correct number (i-xi) in boxes1-6on your answer sheet. List of headings i Not identifying the correct priorities ...
IELTS Reading Passage - Biological Control of Pests Biological Control of Pests A.The excessive usage of synthetic chemicals to control the pests eventually poses a serious threat to the crops and human's health system,and it seems to be not productive at all.The use of pesticides has caused ...
IELTS Reading Passage - Early Childhood Education Early Childhood Education A.Dr.Lockwood Smith's recent visit to the US and Britain came with a list of findings.Being New Zealand's National Party Education's spokesman reports the key findings of his visit and reveals the prospects in New ...