二、Reading Skills 1. The main technique: keyword technique 2. It's a vocabulary test(积累生词):最基本的,消灭题目里面的生词 3. Question types: (1) Gap-fill(一般是按顺序出题。同义替换、关键词,一句话找到2~3个同义词就基本可以确定了) 四种形式: ① Fill the gaps with words from the passage...
in + moisture & shelter from sunlight => location types of 'gap-fill' question fill the gapswith words from the passage=> tocomplete the sentence fill the gaps tolabel a diagram the title the question findthe question order thefirst question: thick leaves find the answer in the passage re...
Monday, November 28, 2016 IELTS Reading: difficult gap-fill Try the following exercise from Cambridge IELTS book 10 (test 2, passage 2). My students found the two questions quite difficult. Part of the passage about 'gifted children': A very close positive relationship was found when children...
gap-fill... the other question sections, you might bevery familiar withsome of that paragraphs which have several answers in it, and you might decide to start with that one:the oneparagraphs that youknow the best already(the easiest one) ...
These are usually a short collection of sentences which are incomplete. They have gaps in them which you need to fill with a word, words and possibly numbers. Instructions for Sentence Completion Reading Questions You need to answer using No More than Three Words and/or a Number. This means...
Gap filling tasks: Make sure you don’t go over the word limit for each gap. 3. Get Better at Scanning Scanning is a reading method that allows you to find information faster. When scanning, you no longer read everything word for word. You just move your eyes across the text smoothly...
Filed Under: IELTS Reading Answer to gap fill reading lesson by Liz 31 Comments Below are the answers to the following questions. If you have not finished this reading lesson, please do so before you look at the answers. Click here: Gap Fill Reading Mathematical Intelligence Questions Findin...
ionC,haha!1byl,justfollowtheorderya.thenagapfill- in,isaIsoeasy,buttheanswerinseveralsect ion,uneedaroughskimming,thelstoneiforget,the 2ndismagma,thethefollowingsareinsection3,sue haswesternindia,linkoffirelaetc. 第二篇:therelationshipbetweenspaceamp;powe r,thewholepassageisdividedin3sections,thelst...
IELTS- 3 reading selections of twenty minutes each. Materials are, as in the case of the TOEFL, related to an academic setting. There are multiple type questions (gap fill, matching, etc.) Listening: TOEFL- The listening selection very different from the IELTS. In the TOEFL, you will have...
In this type of task, you are given a sentence from the reading with a gap in it. You have to fill it with words taken directly from the reading. Check if the question tells you to use the exact words from the reading - some do not. ...