This IELTS process exercise is a gap fill, which will hone your skills for the test. Process diagrams appear less often in the IELTS writing task 1, but they are sometimes there so you need to be prepared if you do get one. The most important part of it is being able to use the pa...
Moving on to renewables, this accounted for quite similar proportions for both countries,(7) ___15% of the total electricity generated. In detail, in Germany, most of the renewables consisted of wind and biomass, totaling around 75%, which(8) ___than for hydroelectric (17.7%) and solar ...
The aim of this lesson is to use an IELTS table gap fill exercise to improve your vocabulary knowledge and flexibility when you are describing a table. However, although the information is presented here as a table, this is the same language were it to be presented as another type of graph...
Cloze & Gap Fill Exercises: Drag and Drop Cloze Exercise, Spelling and gap fills on line. Business and Survival English Business English Quizzes: self-grading vocabulary tests on a number of topics, Banking, negotiations, money idioms, money talk, business across cultures and many more......
Top Tips For IELTS by University Of Cambridge (Ebook) Zuhana Essential Reading For IELTS (Ebook) With PDF Zuhana IELTS Target 7.0: Preparation for IELTS Academic Ebook – Chris Gough Janet Focus On IELTS Foundation Skills Book (book+Audio) ...
Reading carefully, we can fill in the gap with the noun “knowledge” Questions 19-23 Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 2? In boxes 19-23 on your answer sheet, write TRUE if the statement agrees with the information FALSE if the statement ...
There is not so much a gap as a huge ___ between the generations; this causes regular disputes and misunderstandings. Adolescent teens are experiencing a(n) ___ of identity and are not being given sufficient parental guidance to cope. Children are...
Each segment of the IELTS has a common criterion, Vocabulary (Lexical Resource), that contributes to 25% of the score in the speaking and writing modules, whereas it greatly aids the reading and listening sections of the IELTS exam. Thus, advanced vocabulary in the IELTS is a necessary soft...
Gap-fill strategy Look at the words around the gap to understand what's missing, a noun (e.g. boy, toy, truck), an adjective (little, pretty, shiny) or a verb (stands, looks, moves). For instance, if you see a Noun before the blank ("The boy is___"), it means that it's...
Some people say that if old people spend time and get along with others and exercise everyday they will become fit. However, nowadays old people are usually alone and do not talk to others which make them unhappy and unfit. Causes and solutions?