8 hours There is no set amount of time 27.Pythons need: Less sleep than tigers Twice as much sleep as cats Almost ten times more sleep than giraffes More sleep than any other animal in the world Questions 28–30 Complete the sentences below. WriteNO MORE THAN THREE WORDSfrom the passage ...
ChooseNO MORE THAN THREE WORDSfrom the passage for each answer. Write your answers in boxes22-26on your answer sheet. What is the smallest species of Bovid called? Which species of Bovinae hos now died out? What facilitates the movement of the sitatunga over wetland?
They are similar to the short answer questions in that they will always tell you to write your answers in NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS. So you can answer with one word, two words or three words but no more. As with short answer questions: Also note that the answers should not require a...
SOS! Can someone tell me, that for instance in section 3, the task asks you to answer the question with no more than 3 words? So the 300 million should be written with letters instead of numbers, am I right? Also, 25% should be written with letters? Or if I would write my answer...
Part 3 Questions 21-23Listen from here Complete the sentences below. WriteNO MORE THAN THREE WORDSbreach answer. Effects of weather on mood Phil and Stella's goal is tothe hypothesis that weather has an effect on a person's mood.
UseNO MORE THAN THREE WORDSfrom the passage for each blank space. Write your answers in blank spaces next to 22-24 on your answer sheet. 22Lizards and dinosaurs arc classified into two different superorders because of the difference in their___. 23In the ...
3. Indian weddings … Aare straightforward and brief. Bare thought to be lucky Care intricate and time consuming. Dinvolve only the immediate family. Questions 4-9 Complete the statements below. UseNO MORE THAN THREE WORDS. The evening prior to the wedding, the wife-to-be is given recommend...
1、TEST 1SECTION 1LISTENINGQuestions 1-10ExampleAn swerNumber of trips per month5Questions 1-4Complete the no tes below.Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each an swer.Visit places which have:-Historical interest-good 1-2Cost:Note:Time:To reserve a seat:return -6.00 p....
Most of the Nile water is bypassed into more than 10,000 kilometres of irrigation canals and what directly reaches the sea through the rivers in the delts is only a small proportion. Stanley explains that water in the irrigation canals is either still or moves slowly so it cannot carry the ...
birds, mammals, and insects that surround us, other groups that have conquered the water contain scorpions, snails, and crustaceans such as woodlice, land crabs, millipedes and centipedes, spiders, and different worms. We must not forget the vegetation, without whose pre-invaded land, no other...