Idioms count for your score of vocabulary. They are informal and should not be used in writing. But you can use some of them in IELTS speaking. Eat Your Greens Idiom: Video lesson Individual Words for IELTS Improve your vocabulary by learning the exact meaning of words and how to use them...
accessible= available a.可用的 accordingly -for that reason ad.因此 accordingly= consequently ad.因此 account- explainv.解释;说明 account for =explainv.解释,说明 accumulate collectv.积累:积聚 adhere -stickv.黏附;胶着 adjunct -addition n.附加物 administered= managed v.管理 adorn= decoratev.装饰 ...
Our Offices Bengaluru Gurgaon City Scape Gurgaon BPTP Kolkata Chennai Hyderabad Mumbai Bengaluru Girnarsoft Education Services Pvt.Ltd.(GMU) Pride Hulkul,6th floor,601,116,Lalbagh Main Road,Bengaluru-560027 +91-8512093920 ...
How Many Times Can You Take IELTS Exam? Haniya Yashfeen The More You Read, The Better You Write Janet Our Offices Bengaluru Gurgaon City Scape Gurgaon BPTP Kolkata Chennai Hyderabad Mumbai Bengaluru Girnarsoft Education Services Pvt.Ltd.(GMU) Pride Hulkul,6th floor,601,116,Lalbagh Main Road,...
在单词列表中:False friends EN-IT - Falsi amici EN-IT,IELTS by chrisdouka,更多…… 同义词:serial,succeeding,in line,continuous,progressive,更多…… 标题中含有单词 'successive' 的论坛讨论: tone sandhi of successive third tone syllables a period of successive wars- English Only forum ...
concentration-heavy metal-high grade-hydrometer-mass-MDF-muscle mass-tesla-thickness-thread count 中文: 密度-浓度-纬密-疏密度 标题中含有单词 'density' 的论坛讨论: 未在Chinese论坛中找到有关“density”的讨论 an energy density very nearly equal to ...- English Only forum ...
IELTS/TOEFL Resources Subscribe tothe newsletter AWL Words on this page from the academic word list Show AWL words on this page. Show sorted lists of these words. Donate Dictionary Look it up Any words you don't know? Look them up in the website's built-in dictionary. Choose a dic...
When a person is writing, it is easy to use the wrong word and not realize it. This lesson gives some handy tips on how one can identify when the...
Let’s start with what many students hoping to go to college or study abroad already know. TOEFL and IELTS scores count, and standardized tests reward a rich vocabulary, often explicitly testing vocabulary skills. Nuance and precision are also exhibited by identifying appropriate words. Therefore, ...
A.attract more foreigners to start business in China B.draw Chinese people’s attention to IELTS C.remind language learners of the goal of learning D.give more chances for English learners in China 答案 C 解析 目的意图题。依据其次段“‘Dare to Speak’ examines if Chinese people ...