IEEE Transaction on Wireless Communications (TWC) 影响因子: 8.900 出版商: IEEE ISSN: 1536-1276 浏览: 28563 关注: 53 征稿 Topics of interest include the following: 5G and 6G wireless networks Ad hoc wireless networks Adaptive antennas for wir...
IEEE Transaction on Communications (TCOM) 影响因子: 7.200 出版商: IEEE ISSN: 0090-6778 浏览: 28689 关注: 39 征稿 The IEEE Transactions on Communications (TCOM) publishes high-quality papers reporting theoretical and experimental advances in the...
看来IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Techno. 在业界可能认可度会低一些。我想到了IEEE Trans. on Wireless ...
trans系列只能说是IEEE旗下不错的期刊系列,但是也有水的,当然我说的水是期刊文章质量的水,而不是什么中科院分区不高基本上IEEE trans系列的大多都还可以。中科院分区只是为了方便行政人员对科研人员的水平进行判断,毕竟行政不懂科研嘛。期刊质量更多的还是看口碑,金杯银杯不如业内的口碑。
影响因子(2023) 2.215The IEEE Transactions on Computers is a monthly publication with a wide distribution to researchers, developers, technical managers, and educators in the computer field. It publishes papers on research in areas of current interest to the readers. These areas include, but are no...
更新#3,IEEE Transaction on Computational Social Systems主编的文章,说的很好。如果此事不是IEEE官方的...
Journal/Transaction 一般都是长的论文 都会有比较重要的理论创新点和技术创新点,也会有比较详细的公式推导。Transaction在专业划分上会更细,一个行业内最专业的期刊一般都是Trans,所以一般都是行业内的顶刊;如果这个行业做的人少,那么可能会导致对应的Trans影响因子不高。PS. Jour广而深,Trans专而精; ...
小弟想投一篇IEEE transaction on wireless communication (TOWC) 的文章,结果在排版的时候遇到了一些问题,想请各位IEEE transaction 经验丰富的大神们帮忙解决一下,问题如下 1 提交论文初稿的时候用的是双栏还是单栏排版啊?TOWC 的投稿须知上面有这么一段话Transactions Papers should be concisely written and must be...
First, the impact of communication impairments on a direct DR control program is investigated. Second, the outage probability of a wireless link is modelled and quantified, considering the multipath fading, shadowing, and random path loss given the location distribution of smart meters. Third, the ...
apparatus modeling, analysis, implementation and application issues such as power system protection, instrumentation, communication, and grounding; electromagnetic transients and power quality; and substation automation. The Transaction’s scope further includes research works leading to power engineering ...