近期,我校商学院管理科学与工程系刘勇副教授团队在产业共性技术研发的政府补贴激励机制方面取得了一定进展,研究成果 “A government- subsidies incentive mechanism for research and development of industrial generic technologies”正式发表于《IEEE ...
Parks believes this could pose a risk to future deployment plans of utilities by 14% 11% 12% Only 11% Very Familiar 12% with Smart Grid 7% 4% opening the door for communications sys- tem providers to offer their own energy monitoring solutions. (Potentially bad news for utilities since ...
designrequirementsofthestandard.Obviously,thiswouldimpactboardandsys- temtestability.Onemightsuggestthatcompromisedtestabilityispreferableto none,butthereconstituted1149.1WorkingGroupwasdeterminedtoupdatethe standardinlightofthetechnologydriversatplay. 11.1Moore’sLaw,thePrincipleDriver ...
Xiaojing Li The improved TEM by more feasible Implementation Yidan Zhang, Xuedong Liu A Capacitor-less LDO with Sub-bandgap Voltage Reference and DFC Compensation Strategy Chenchen Yang, Xiang Hong A Short-Term Traffic Flow Prediction Model Based on EMD and GPSO-SVM Mei Duo, Yan Qi, Gao Lina...
When a utility-interface disconnect switch is required, it is to allow utility workers to disconnect the PV sys- tem from the utility electrical system when it is necessary for safe utility line work. Two situations exist where utilities may choose not to require a utility-interface disconnect ...
This mechanism is effective for sys- tem performance when the average length of data frames is large compared to that of the RTS and CTS frames. Be- sides reservation, the purpose of RTS and CTS frames is to carry the duration of the following DATA/ACK exchange. Based on this information...
Ultimately, as logic de- vices get faster, bus delay will be the dominating factor lim- iting bus speed. In synchronous systems, the maximum achievable clock rate on the bus will also depend on the bus delay. There are two components to the bus delay in a typical sys- tem, namely, ...
To- Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TEM.2007.906851 day’s Internet-oriented world has made it even more important 0018-9391/$25.00 © 2007 IEEE 730 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT, VOL. 54, NO. 4, NOVEMBER 2007 mulate, would translate into favorable perceptions of online ...
Measuring OS Support forReal-time CORBA ORBsDavid L. Levine, Douglas C. Schmidt, and Sergio Flores-Gaitanlevine,schmidt,sergio @cs.wustl.ed..
eTshnisotstdaenfidnaerdthdeoneestwnootrkdleafyineer athnedn, tehtweroerfokrlea,ydeoreasnndo, tthoeffreerforroeu, tdinogescnapotaboiflfietriersobuytinitgseclaf.pCaboinlisteieqsubeyntiltys,ewlf.itChotnhseeaqiumenotflyp,rwovitihditnhge aanimefofifcipernotvmiduinltgi-hanopefsfcihcieemntem, thu...