Conference/Proceedings IEEE每年都在全球举办很多场学术会议,会议涉及领域广,很多组织都会开科技会议,并且接收大家的论文,用于会议上展示和讨论①。 最顶级的会议是:IEEE International Conference on Communications(ICC); IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM)。 会议分类 Extended abstract 有个工作想在会议上...
✿ IEEE Conference Proceedings Accepted paper will be included into ICCSN 2024 Conference Proceedings, which will be published and to be archived in Xplore database. The proceedings will be indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus, etc.. after conference. ICCSN Conference has very credible publication i...
Research Impact Score*: 6.8 Impact Factor: 4.2 SCIMAGO SJR: 1.785 SCIMAGO H-index: 225 Research Ranking (Electronics and Electrical Engineering) 21 Research Ranking (Engineering and Technology) 148 Number of Best scientists*: 105 Documents by best scientists*: 279 Journal...
Processes Impact Factor: 3.352 (2021) High Visibility Index: SCIE (Web of Science), Ei Compendex, Scopus, etc. 会议历史: 核心组委会: 荣誉主席 束洪春教授,昆明理工大学 顾问主席 董朝阳教授,新加坡南洋理工大学 大会主席 杨博教授,昆明理工大学 大会联合主席 刘志坚教授,昆明理工大学 蒋林教授,英国利物浦大学...
documents published in that journal. The chart shows the evolution of the average number of times documents published in a journal in the past two, three and four years have been cited in the current year. The two years line is equivalent to journal impact factor ™ (Thomson Reuters) ...
Research Impact Score*: 34.6 Impact Factor: 3.4 SCIMAGO SJR: 0.96 SCIMAGO H-index: 242 Research Ranking (Computer Science) 2 Number of Best scientists*: 2792 Documents by best scientists*: 9155 Journal Information ISSN: 2169-3536 Publisher: Editors-in-Chief: Binit Lukose Journa...
Conference/Proceedings:IEEE每年在全球举办很多学术会议,涉及领域广泛,很多组织都会开科技会议,并接收大家的论文用于会议上展示和讨论。Extended abstract:有一个工作想在会议上展示,但是不想先投出去,想在修改修改,就可以写extended abstract。后面修改完善时不会被查重。备注:(1)Proceedings是指会议论文集,是会议上的...
经典IEEE期刊和顶级会议:IEEE期刊涵盖了广泛的技术领域,其中一些被认为具有较高学术声誉的期刊包括IEEE Transactions系列期刊,如IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence、IEEE Transactions on Information Theory等。除了期刊,IEEE还定期举办一些顶级会议,如IEEE International Conference on Computer ...
Impact Factor: 8.001 Indexing:SCIE, EI 核心, SCOPUS, etc 3. EI 期刊:Energy Engineering ISSN: 0199-8595(print) Indexing:EI 核心, SCOPUS, etc 03|奖项设置 大会设立以下奖项,获奖人可获丰厚奖励: 01 优秀文章奖 02 优秀行业文章奖 03 优秀学生文章奖 ...
Conference Advisory Chairs Prof. Zhu Han, 休斯顿大学,美国 Prof. Sharad Mehrotra, 加利福尼亚大学尔湾分校,美国 Prof. Hai Jin, 华中科技大学,中国 Conference Chairs Prof. Xizheng Ke, 西安理工大学,中国 Prof. Sheng-Uei Guan, 西交利物浦大学,中国 ...