IEEE CLOUD 2023 invites original papers addressing all aspects of cloud computing infrastructure, applications, and business innovations. Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following: Cloud & AI Use of AI to Improve Cloud Services & Operations Use of Cloud to Improve AI Research...
影响因子(2023) 5.348The IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing (TCC) is dedicated to the multidisciplinary field of cloud computing. It is committed to the publication of articles that present innovative research ideas, application results, and case studies in cloud computing, focusing on key technical...
会议全称:IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing 录用率:NA CCF分级:交叉/综合/新兴C 截稿时间:2023/3/25 录用通知时间:2023/5/8 官网链接:IEEE CLOUD 2023 征稿范围: Cloud & AI Use of AI to Improve Cloud Services & Operations Use of Cloud to Improve AI Research and Deployment Predictive ...
2023-2024 Cloud Computing Based Projects|2023-2024 IEEE Projects on Cloud Computing|2023-2024 Cloud Computing Projects for CSE|2023-2024Cloud Computing Projects for final year students|2023-2024 Cloud Computing Projects for Mtech
CCIS 2023现面向全球征集稿件,经会议审稿后录用的稿件将由IEEE出版,符合IEEE标准的会议论文可纳入IEEE Xplore数字图书馆。优秀论文将推荐至大会合作的World Wide Web Journal, Chinese Journal of Electronics ,China Communications等SCI期刊。... 截稿日期: 2023-03-25 通知日期: 2023-05-08 会议日期: 2023-07-02 会议地点: Chicago, Illinois, USA 届数: 16 CCF:cCORE:bQUALIS:b2浏览:15234关注:18参加:4 征稿 IEEE CLOUD is the flagship conference focusing on innovative cloud computing across all...
Ieee Transactions On Cloud Computing IEEE T CLOUD COMPUT ISSN:2168-7161 E-ISSN:2168-7161 投稿咨询学术服务 基本信息 BASIC INFORMATION 审稿时间: 出版周期:4 issues/year 出版国家或地区:UNITED STATES 创刊:2013 影响因子:5.3 是否预警:否 语言:English...
近日,电子科技大学信息与通信工程学院智慧网络及应用团队发表的学术论文《Hfedms: Heterogeneous federated learning with memorable data semantics in industrial metaverse》荣获期刊IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing 2023年度唯一最佳论文奖。该期刊是云计算领域的顶级期刊(JCR 1区),致力于报道云计算的创新研究思想、应...
and high-performance computing. It has a long tradition of emphasizing how to build cloud computing platforms with impact. The conference is co-sponsored by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and the Cloud Computing Association. Every year it attracts world-class members to...
《云计算的IEEE交易》(Ieee Transactions On Cloud Computing)是一本以Computer Science-Software综合研究为特色的国际期刊。该刊由Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.出版商创刊于2013年,刊期4 issues/year。该刊已被国际重要权威数据库SCIE收录。期刊聚焦Computer Science-Software领域的重点研究和前沿...