2021年11月19日星期五 投稿须知【官网信息】 IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing Submitting a Paper to TCC To submit your paper, please use ScholarOne Manuscripts. Detailed information on submitting your paper to TCC can be found on the “Author Information” tab of the Journal Peer Review page....
https://2021.ieeeccem.org/ 截稿日期: 2021-07-24Extended 通知日期: 2021-09-19 会议日期: 2021-10-27 会议地点: Online 届数: 10 浏览:11541关注:2参加:4 征稿 The Tenth IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing in Emerging Markets (CCEM) continues the highly successful CCEM conference seri...
IEEE Cloud Computing is committed to the timely publication of peer-reviewed articles that provide innovative research ideas, applications results, and case studies in all areas of cloud computing. Topics relating to novel theory, algorithms, performance analyses and applications of techniques are ...
IEEE CLOUD 2025 invites researchers, practitioners, and innovators to submit original papers addressing all aspects of cloud computing infrastructure, technologies, applications, and business innovations. Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following. Cloud Architecture and Infrastructure Da...
Cloud computing is new technology that has considerably changed human life at different aspect over the last decade. Especially after the COVID-19 pandemic
Cloud computing provides outsourcing of computing services at a lower cost, making it a popular choice for many businesses. In recent years, cloud data storage has gained significant success, thanks to its advantages in maintenance, performance, support,
He is currently a Researcher on Research Chair of Pervasive and Mobile Computing. He has authored/reviewed several papers in refereed IEEE/ACM/Springer journals/conferences. Research interests: Edge intelligence, OSN, Cloud/Mobile computing, IOT....
IEEE Cloud Computing Call for Papers: Special Issue on Cloud-Native Applications House Advertisement IEEE Cloud Computing Call for Papers House AdvertisementProspective authors are requested to submit new, unpublished manuscripts for inclusion in the upcoming event described in this call for papers... No...
(SOA) and other services Cloud system design and analysis for smart grid Cloud protocols for smart grid Machine learning engines in the cloud for smart grid Lab-demonstration set-up with power grid and cloud computing domains Intelligent cloud application in energy management in building, home, ...
the words “trust”, “blockchain” and “cloud computing” were used to search the titles, key words and abstracts of research papers. As in some manuscripts, trust is equivalent to “reputation”, we also used “reputation”, “blockchain” and “cloud computing” to find more related art...