Using iDPC–STEM, we imaged plunge-frozen KLH and TMV as biological test specimens to assess the image quality and analyzed the resulting 3D cryo-EM density maps. We demonstrated that iDPC–STEM produces high-contrast in-focus micrographs of ice-embedded molecular KLH particles and the regular he...
Here we demonstrate the capability of the recently introduced Integrated Differential Phase Contrast STEM (iDPC-STEM) technique to image both light and heavy atoms in a thin sample at sub- resolution. We use the technique to resolve ... E Yücelen,Ivan Lazi,EGT Bosch - 《Scientific Reports》...
First, it will be shown that iDPC-STEM is an elegant solution to the well-known phase problem in TEM, with the full capacity to resolve the atoms at sub-Å scale from 30 keV to 300 keV under various (including extreme) conditions. Second, its ability to image both light and heavy el...