5.Nahor, H., et al.,Discerning interface atomistic structure by phase contrast in STEM: The equilibrated Ni-YSZ interface.Acta Materialia, 2018.154: p. 71-78. a.Image obtained on Thermo ScientificTMThemis 60-300, Courtesy of Dr. Zhibo Liu, Institute of Metal Research, CAS b.Image obtained...
Here we demonstrate the capability of the recently introduced Integrated Differential Phase Contrast STEM (iDPC-STEM) technique to image both light and heavy atoms in a thin sample at sub- resolution. We use the technique to resolve ... E Yücelen,Ivan Lazi,EGT Bosch - 《Scientific Reports》...
nano and atomic scales1,2,3. STEM methods and a derivate known as ptychography were shown to image dose-resistant specimens reaching resolutions better than 0.5 Å (refs.4,5), the latter becoming the method of choice for obtaining the highest possible spatial ...
2. Ma, Y., et al., The influence of straight pore blockage on the selectivity of methanol to aromatics in nanosized Zn/ZSM-5: an atomic Cs-corrected STEM analysis study. RSC Advances, 2016. 6(78): p. 74797-74801. 3. Lazi?, I., E.G.T. Bosch, and S. Lazar, Phase contrast ...
First, it will be shown that iDPC-STEM is an elegant solution to the well-known phase problem in TEM, with the full capacity to resolve the atoms at sub-Å scale from 30 keV to 300 keV under various (including extreme) conditions. ...