1. Burn the midnight oil: to work or study until late at night熬夜工作,开夜车 2. Hit the books: to study in a serious way严肃地读书、学习 3. Do back-breaking work: to do very difficult physical work 4. Work...
Midnight oilandburn the midnight oilusage trend. The wordmidnightis formatted fromOld High Germanmittinahtto mean the middle of the night. Before electricity, to light your way atnight meantyouhad to lightan oil lantern or candle. The first known use of the termmidnight oilto mean “late ni...
against the clock 赶在截止日期之前 即分秒必争 burn the midnight oil=stay up(late into the night) 熬夜 bury one’s head in the sand以假装看不见的方式拒绝面对某事,即逃避问题 by and large 总的来说,即大体而言 a bolt from the blue 晴天霹雳 fall asleep at the switch 玩忽职守、漫不经心...
idiom dictionary用的比较广泛的是A Dictionary of American Idioms 如图 但还是比较推荐那种可以在网络上...
Yes, burn the midnight oil is a little old-fashioned and people who don't realise that lamps were once powered by oil possibly wouldn't understand it. Since "burn the midnight LED backlight LCD panel" hasn't really caught on, "pulled an all-nighter" is probably the most com...
作文中常用的idiom.doc,作文中常用的idiom: above board 没有一点弄虚作假 against the clock 赶在截止日期之前 即分秒必争 burn the midnight oil=stay up(late into the night) 熬夜 bury one’s head in the sand以假装看不见的方式拒绝面对某事,即逃避问题 by and larg
burnthemidnightoil=stayup(lateintothenight)熬夜 buryone’sheadinthesand以假装看不见的方式拒绝面对某事,即逃避问题 byandlarge总的来说,即大体而言 aboltfromtheblue晴天霹雳 fallasleepattheswitch玩忽职守、漫不经心、错失良机 gettheupperhand处于有利地位 ...
Idiom 1ace: make an "A" on a test, homework assignment, project, etc.“Somebody said you aced the test, Dave. That's great!" 2all right (2): fair; not particularly good.a)A: "How's your chemistry class?"B: "It's all right, I guess, but it's not the best class I've...
coward. 持强欺弱是懦夫 Buridan's ass 优柔寡断之人 burn the candle at both ends 一根蜡烛两头烧 burn one's boats (bridges) 破釜沉舟 burn the midnight oil 开夜车 A burnt child dreads the fire. 一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳。 Bury one's hand in the sand 鸵鸟政策 Busiest men find the most ...
What does the idiom "jump the gun" mean? What does the idiom "turn over a new leaf" mean? What does the idiom "paint the town red" mean? What does the idiom "red herring" mean? What does the idiom "burn the midnight oil" mean?