所属专辑:Idiom of the day 喜欢下载分享 声音简介 Definition: Avoiding the main topic. Not speaking directly about the issue. Stop beating around the bush and answer my question. Quit beating around the bush and tell me what you really think about my idea. https://www.vantage-siam.com...
声音简介 Beat around the bush or beat about the bush(UK): avoid saying what you mean , usually because it is uncomfortable. 1. Stop beating around the bush, get to the point. 2. He always beats around the bush when his parents ask about his caree planning. ...
Why do you alwaysstart beating around the bushif I bring up your school life? Just tell it to us straight. You need toquit beating around the bushand open up about your problems if you want your relationships to improve. Conversation Questions ...
The idiom "beating around the bush" means avoiding discussing the main issue. The idiom is thought to originate in Great Britain from a... Learn more about this topic: Idiom in Figurative Language | Definition, Uses & Examples from
☞ Beating Around The Bush: Avoiding the main topic. Not speaking directly about the issue. ☞ Bend Over Backwards: Do whatever it takes to help. Willing to do anything. ☞ Between A Rock And A Hard Place: Stuck between two very bad options. ...
Beating around the bush = making excuses and avoiding the main problem. Don't count your chickens before they hatch = don't plan for something that might not happen. It costs an arm and a leg = it's very expensive. We useidiomsbecause they are made to communicate specific situations and...
IdiomSite.com-Findoutthemeaningsofcommonsayings ABirdInTheHandIsWorthTwoInTheBush: Havingsomethingthatiscertainismuchbetterthantakinga riskformore,becausechancesareyoumightloseeverything. ABlessingInDisguise: Somethinggoodthatisn'trecognizedatfirst. AChipOnYourShoulder: Beingupsetforsomethingthathappenedinth...
What does the idiom "beating around the bush" mean? What does the idiom "long in the tooth" mean? What does the idiom "bat an eyelid" mean? What does the idiom "tip of the iceberg" mean? What does the idiom "not my cup of tea" mean?
Beat Around the Bush Meaning:Avoid sharing your true viewpoint or feelings because it is uncomfortable Beating a Dead Horse Meaning:Giving time or energy to something that is ended or over Bite the Bullet Meaning:To get an unfavorable situation or chore over with now because it will need to ...