4. Transfer Codes are valid for 30 days after generation. Once expired, you must generate a new Transfer Code if you wish to migrate your character data. 5. Migration can only be completed once every 30 days. (Note: While your character is under the 30-day migration cooldown period, you...
After this point, codes that connected to each other were grouped thematically. For this paper, data relating to HIV and sexual identity in participants’ countries of origin, and networks and sexual identity, and barriers to HIV testing, condoms, discussing sexual health, and PrEP uptake after ...
to previous themes in order to identify similarities, differences and general patterns. This type of thematic analysis relied upon a data-driven inductive approach (Boyatzis,1998) in which themes were generated prior to interpretation (Boyatzis,1998). As such, initial themes were identified, codes w...
To gain mechanistic insight into the regulation of cell identity, we developed an in silico strategy to simulate changes in cell identity upon TF perturbation. CellOracle uses custom GRN modelling (Extended Data Fig.1a) to simulate global downstream shifts in gene expression following knockout (KO)...
v2019_01_01 com.microsoft.azure.management.cdn com.microsoft.azure.management.search com.microsoft.azure.management.resources.fluentcore.arm com.microsoft.azure.management.resources.fluentcore.collection com.microsoft.azure.management.resources.fluentcore.arm.collection com.microsoft.azure.management.re...
Assembly: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Interop.dll Package: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Interop v17.12.40391 Gets the instance ID. C++/CX Copy public: property Platform::String ^ InstanceIdentity { Platform::String ^ get(); void set(Platform::String ^ value); }; Property Value String The...
Spencer for microscopy, V. Lo Sardo, W. Ferguson, M. Duran, J. Hazen, A. Adler and the Topol laboratory for technical assistance, R. Vega Perez for cell counting, and A. Su and J. Fouquier for assistance with BioGPS. BioGPS work is funded by R01 GM083924 to A. Su. This ...
error_codes可帮助诊断的 STS 特定错误代码列表。 timestamp这将返回发生错误的时间。 trace_id可帮助诊断的请求唯一标识符。 correlation_id可帮助跨组件诊断的请求唯一标识符。 error_uri指向错误查找页面的链接,该页面中包含有关错误的其他信息。 这仅供开发人员使用,不向用户提供。 仅当错误查找系统具有相关错误的...
For multicultural family members who live in cosmopolitan environments, concepts such as ethnic identity and integration have different significance. Some individuals can report, for example, that ethnic identity and integration have never played an impo
error_codes可帮助诊断的 STS 特定错误代码列表。 timestamp这将返回发生错误的时间。 trace_id可帮助诊断的请求唯一标识符。 correlation_id可帮助跨组件诊断的请求唯一标识符。 error_uri指向错误查找页面的链接,该页面中包含有关错误的其他信息。 这仅供开发人员使用,不向用户提供。 仅当错误查找系统具有相关错误的...