error_codes可帮助诊断的 STS 特定错误代码列表。 timestamp这将返回发生错误的时间。 trace_id可帮助诊断的请求唯一标识符。 correlation_id可帮助跨组件诊断的请求唯一标识符。 error_uri指向错误查找页面的链接,该页面中包含有关错误的其他信息。 这仅供开发人员使用,不向用户提供。 仅当错误查找系统具有相关错误的...
The flow diagram demonstrates the OAuth 2.0 authorization code grant flow (with details around PKCE omitted), where the app receives a code from the Microsoft identity platform authorize endpoint, and redeems it for an access token and a refresh token using cross-site web requests. For SPAs, ...
AADSTS90056 BadResourceRequest - To redeem the code for an access token, the app should send a POST request to the /token endpoint. Also, prior to this, you should provide an authorization code and send it in the POST request to the /token endpoint. Refer to this article for an overvi...
What is the Microsoft identity platform? What's new in docs? Samples Concepts Single-page app (SPA) Web app Web API Desktop Mobile Service, daemon, script Scenarios Reference Token claims reference Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) reference ...
Now that you've acquired anauthorization_codeand have been granted permission by the user, you can redeem thecodefor anaccess_tokento the resource. Redeem thecodeby sending aPOSTrequest to the/tokenendpoint: HTTPCopy //Line breaks for legibility only POST /{tenant}/oauth2/v2.0/token HTTP/1....
CanRedeemRecoveryCodeOnlyOnce() 测试。 (继承自 UserManagerSpecificationTestBase<TUser,TKey>) CanRemovePassword() 测试。 (继承自 UserManagerSpecificationTestBase<TUser,TKey>) CanRemoveUsersFromRole() 测试。 (继承自 IdentitySpecificationTestBase<TUser,TRole,TKey>) CanReplaceUserClaim...
Bent u op zoek naar informatie over de AADSTS-foutcodes die worden geretourneerd door de STS (beveiligingstokenservice) van Microsoft Entra? Lees dit document om AADSTS-foutbeschrijvingen, oplossingen en enkele voorgestelde tijdelijke oplossingen te vinden....
Microsoft.Extensions.Identity.Stores v9.0.0 Source: UserStoreBase.cs Returns whether a recovery code is valid for a user. Note: recovery codes are only valid once, and will be invalid after use. C# publicvirtualSystem.Threading.Tasks.Task<bool>RedeemCodeAsync(TUser user,stringcode, S...
RedeemTwoFactorRecoveryCodeAsync(TUser, String) 返回恢复代码是否对用户有效。 注意:恢复代码仅有效一次,使用后将无效。 (继承自UserManager<TUser>) RegisterTokenProvider(String, IUserTwoFactorTokenProvider<TUser>) 注册令牌提供程序。 (继承自UserManager<TUser>) ...
The flow diagram below demonstrates the OAuth 2.0 authorization code grant (with details around PKCE omitted), where the app receives a code from the Microsoft identity platform authorize endpoint, and redeems it for an access token and a refresh token using cross-site web requests. For single-...