honey beepollinatorManaged honey bees are a crucial component of many countries' agricultural systems. Critically, it is now well established that honey bees are faced with multiple threats, and therefore, it is important that we determine and mitigate new threats. The emergence of Zika virus has...
of them may decapitate and wipe out a hive of 30,000 honeybees or bumblebees in mere hours. This black and yellow-orange striped hornet was spotted in North America for the first time in 2019. It doesn’t usually bother people or pets. But it can sting dozens of times if threatened....
United States Patent US4876721 Note: If you have problems viewing the PDF, please make sure you have the latest version ofAdobe Acrobat. Back to full text
Zika virusApis melliferapesticidevector controlhoney beepollinatorManaged honey bees are a crucial component of manydoi:10.1080/00218839.2018.1494914Bartlett, Lewis JCarlson, Colin JBoots, MikeThe International Bee Research AssociationJournal of Apicultural Research...
The pollen grains in honey reveal the types of plants that were around when the bees produced the honey, thus it is valid to use melissopalynology to determine the geographical origin of honeys, but there are several reasons why it is less valid for determining the botanical origin of honeys...
2014. Identifying the Real Pollinators? Exotic Honeybees Are the Dominant Flower Visitors and Only Effective Pollinators of Avicennia marina in Australian Temperate Mangroves. Estuaries and Coasts, 37: 621-635.Hermansen, T. D., D. R. Britton, D. J. Ayre, and T. E. Minchinton 2014. ...
Capillary column gas chromatography and pattern recognition techniques were used to develop a potential method for distinguishing heavily and moderately Africanized honeybees from European honeybees on the basis of differences in chemical constitution. The test data consisted of 232 chromatograms of ...
Nowadays, environmental and biological endpoints can be predicted with in silico approaches if sufficient experimental data of good quality are available. Since the experimental evaluation of acute contact toxicity towards honeybees (Apis mellifera) is a complex and expensive assay, the computational ...
The Carniolan honey bee (Apis mellifera carnica) plays an essential role in crop pollination, environment diversity, and the production of honey bee products. However, the health of individual honey bees and their colonies is under pressure due to multiple stressors, including viruses as a ...
Classification models for identifying substances exhibiting acute contact toxicity in honeybees (Apis mellifera)$doi:info:doi/10.1080/1062936X.2018.1513953K. VenkoV. DrganM. NoviSAR and QSAR in Environmental Research