The biggest mistake anynewbie beekeepercan make is not understanding the different honey bee species. Contrary to popular belief, not all bees are the same. Different types of bees have varying needs and produce differing results. You’ll have to pattern your maintenance routine and even choose s...
of honey bees have been brought in. All have mixed together and now it is very difficult to impossible to actually have a pure bred bee of any kind. However, let me go ahead and tell you of the different kinds of bees. But before I do, remember that it is next to impossible to ...
honey bee. For as long as honey bees have been domesticated, beekeepers have known that different genetic stocks have distinctive differences that can be used to their advantage or ignored to their disadvantage. Whether it be pollination, a honey crop, bee reproduction, resiliency or otherwise, ...
6. Each bee has 170 odorant receptors, which means they have one serious sense of smell! They use this to communicate within the hive and to recognise different types of flowers when looking for food. Did you know that we have a FREE downloadable ‘Buzz about bees’ primary resource, all...
Queen mating frequency in different types of honey bee mating apiaries[J] . Peter Neumann,Robin F A Moritz,Job van Praagh.Journal of Apicultural Research . 1999 (1-2)Neumann P,Moritz R F A,Praagh J. Van,et al.Queen mating frequency in different types of honey bee mating apiaries. J...
The whole studied honey bee colonies belong to the European race, Apis mellifera carnica, and they used the same honeyfull plants pastures. The results indicate that different beehive type used at apiaries influenced on the quality of honey. 展开 关键词:...
In a honey bee colony there are 3 types of bees. The most common is the worker bee, making up over 95% of the hive population. Worker bees are female honey bees, although with limited reproductive capacity. As their name implies, worker bees do almost all of the maintenance, construction...
SARAJEVO, Sept. 13 (Xinhua) -- Promotion and preservation of traditional honey from Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) is a focus of "Bee Fest 2017" which opened here on Wednesday. Some 50 presenters from the region will have the opportunity to present different types of honey, honey products an...
I was embarrassed that I couldn’t tell you what a native bee looked like my whole life growing up in Australia. Here’s a hint, they’re not yellow and black. The colours and sizes of different bee species are endless. Just type in “native bees in {insert your country}” and check...
In this study we leveraged open data sources concerning three main types of variables; namely (i) honey bee status and stressors, (ii) weather conditions, and (iii) land use (seeData). Since the data sets we employed were collected at different spatio-temporal resolutions, we aggregated thos...