MSSA and MRSA colonies grown on AGA plates were examined under a bright-field microscope; the images captured to illustrate the colony heterogeneity observed in the scatter patterns are shown in Fig.7. Magnification of × 10 was chosen, and the images of the colonies are shown in Fig.8....
In addition, most of IgAN patients showed increased IGF-I expression in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC), while not detected in patients with other glomerulonephritis or normal samples [45, 46]. It was also found that the level of IGF-1 in PBMC had a strong positive correlation with...
resting CD4 memory T cells were significantly negatively correlated with monocytes. Naive B cells and memory B cells also had a great negative correlation. And there was a high correlation
Cryptococcus neoformanswas used to verify the Raman enhancement effect of the AgNPs+. The same volume of AgNPs and AgNPs+were mixed with the same volume of fungal liquid at a 1:1 ratio, and their Raman signal intensities were compared under the same excitation power and integration time. Figur...
Finally, the slides were sealed with anti-fade mounting medium and images were captured using a confocal microscope. 2.10. Flow cytometry detection of cell senescence SA-β-gal fluorescence intensity After cell collection, the cells were fixed for 1 h using the Cell senescence SA-β-gal ...
For phase-contrast microscopy, images of live cells growing on the culture dish were collected on an NIKON Eclipse TS100 microscope equipped with a Lumenera Scientific Infinity 1 color digital camera (Fig. 1). Differential expression analysis by RT-qPCR In order to evaluate the gene expression ...
Cells were cultured for 12 h to allow adhesion, and the silicon sheet was then removed, and cells were washed with fresh medium. Cell motility was monitored by determining the distance along the substrate in the radial direction traveled by the cell population, using an inverted microscope ...
Bochum-made process for diagnostics The researchers represented the spreading of a tumour with an IR microscope with high spatial resolution. Klaus Gerwert and Dr Frederik Großerüschkamp developed this imaging method under the umbrella of PURE. It enables them to distinguish between different subt...
Capacitation status was observed with a Microphot-FXA microscope (Nikon) under epifluorescent illumination using ultraviolet BP 340–380/LP 425 and BP 450–490/LP 515 excitation/emission filters for H33258 and CTC, respectively. The patterns of capacitation status in the spermatozoa were classified...
(KO-SR). Treatment occurred for two days without media change and for three days and six days with one media change. See Supplementary TableS2for a list of small molecules and concentrations used. Growth and morphological changes were monitored under the microscope. After treatment, cells were ...