push提交之后会有成功的提示。 4、拉取代码失败,Git Pull Failed: fatal: refusing to merge unrelated histories 字面意思是说git拒绝合并两个不相干的版本,此时你要打开git命令行,执行git pull origin master ---allow-unrelated-histories,问题就解决了 。 5、推送合并失败,Push rejected: Push to origin/master...
12:27:43.810: [GitDemo] git -c credential.helper= -c core.quotepath=false -c log.showSignature=false cherry-pick -n 99ae4e8afc6463afcc8ab9ff5a2c0371e7fcc6a4 error: could not apply 99ae4e8... V3版本第三次提交 hint: after resolving the conflicts, mark the corrected paths hint: with ...
1.场景 1、当我们本地的代码和线上的有冲突的时候,使用idea做push操作时,会提示你merge 2、当使用git pull的时候,也会出现冲突 2.解决冲突步骤 1.git push的情况 当你选择了Accepct Left,当前你的代码就会变回初始版本的 当你选择了Accepct Right,当前你的代码就会变回线上版本 git push,就会有两次commit,...
Host key verification failed. fatal: Could not read from remote repository. Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists. fengli@DESKTOP-FEQ1N4I MINGW32 /f/workspace/imallproject (master) $ git pull The authenticity of host 'git.oschina.net (' ...
1.Youhavenotconcludedyourmerge(MERGE_HEADexists). Exiting because of unfinishedmerge.2.解决步骤:1):项目右击,Git->Repository-> Fetch2):项目右击,Git->Repository-> ResetHEAD... 3 Error merging: fatal: You have not concluded your merge (MERGE_HEAD exists). ...
在idea中使用git拉去最新代码并merge到本地代码中 1,先拉去主分支带代码到本地。 2,然后在idea配置主分支remote属性(在vcs-》git-》remote),在里面添加fork分支。 3,然后在本地代码中fetch一下,获取最新代码,这样就把fork分支拉取到本地了。 4,然后在idea到右下角选择你fork到分支,并checkout出来。
fatal: Could not read from remote repository. Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists. fengli@DESKTOP-FEQ1N4I MINGW32 /f/workspace/imallproject (master) $ git pull The authenticity of host 'git.oschina.net (' can't be established. ...
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa// 如果执行ssh-add时出现Could not open a connection to your authentication agent执行ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa报标题之前像执行 eval `ssh-agent` (~键上的`),再执行ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa成功ssh-add -l就有新加的rsa了cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub ...
3.有意思的两个地方:1.idea创建项目后,第一次push项目到github只能通过设置帐号/密码的方式,再次从github远程仓库clone下来就可以使用ssh key了2.如果IDEA上的git功能出现了可以commit但无法push和pull的问题,测试发现原因是Could not read from remote repository,解决方法:在Settings->Version Control->Git中,将SSH...
解决IDEA 中git 无法自动push 提交问题 Push failed: Failed with error: Could not read from remote repository. 2018-04-28 00:26 −... GordonDicaprio 0 12191 使用Git出现以下错误"Git@github.com: Permission denied (publickey). Could not read from remote repository."解决方案 ...