当您在尝试合并来自不同分支的更改时,如果遇到“could not merge origin/develop: refusing to merge unrelated histories”错误,这通常意味着您试图合并的两个分支没有共同的祖先提交,即它们的历史记录是“不相关”的。这种情况常见于两个分支最初是从完全不同的提交或仓库创建而来的。 1. 错误信息含义 “refusing...
Could not get version from cmake.dir path 'D:\001_Programs\001_Android\002_Sdk\Sdk\cmake\'. > Task :app:preBuild UP-TO-DATE > Task :app:preDebugBuild UP-TO-DATE > Task :sample9_4:preBuild UP-TO-DATE > Task :sample9_4:preDebugBuild UP-TO-DATE > Task :sample9...
Actually it is also intermittent in my case. It did not work. [WriteVersionInfoToBuildLog] WARN [09/02/16 5:36:51:85] Could not determine assembly version: System.InvalidOperationException: Could not find a 'develop' or 'master' branch, neither locally nor remotely. at GitVersion.Branch...
The supplied Code Analysis ErrorLog file is a valid json file and does not need to be fixed: D:\a\_work\1\.sonarqube\out\1\Issues.json The supplied Code Analysis ErrorLog file is a valid json file and does not need to be fixed: D:\a\_work\1\.sonarqube\out\2\I...
> Task :app:mergeDebugResources FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. * What went wrong: Execution failed for task ':app:generateJsonModelDebug'. > D:\002_Project\Application\app\src\main\cpp\CMakeLists.txt : C/C++ debug|arm64-v8a : Could not get version from cmake.dir path 'D:...
How Develop the Virtual Desktop in C#.Net Windows Application How do I (update/insert/remove) the config file during runtime? How do I access class property.settings in .net core? How do I access the project's version number? How do I add Attachment to this Sending Email code in C# ...
urlstringfalseIf the type of the field is set tourl, this property can be used to provide a custom URL that receives thevalueof this field as a parameter. Ifurlis not provided, the value of the field will be the target of the anchor. Example below. ...
No branch configuration found for branch personal/release1, falling back to default configuration System.InvalidOperationException: Could not find a 'develop' or 'master' branch, neither locally nor remotely. So, I just created a develop branch and triggered build then the seman...
简介:【错误记录】NDK 配置错误 ( C/C++ debug|arm64-v8a : Could not get version from cmake.dir path ) 文章目录 一、报错信息 二、解决方案 1、方案一 2、方案二 一、报错信息 重装系统后 , 打开一年前的项目 , 报如下错误 : CMakeLists.txt : C/C++ debug|arm64-v8a : Could not get versi...
When I try to edit a photo in the Develop moudle I get the message 'This file could not be found.' I can see my photos in the Library. There's no (!) by them so Lightroom CAN find them. When I ctrl+click a thumbnail Lightroom ...