iconv指令會將從標準輸入或指定檔案讀取的字元編碼從一個編碼字集轉換為另一個編碼字集,然後將結果寫入標準輸出。 輸入及輸出編碼字集由FromCode及ToCode參數所識別。 輸入資料應包含FromCode參數所指定之字碼集中的字元。 如果未在指令行上指定FileName參數,則iconv指令會從標準輸入讀取。
not necessarily mean that all combinations of these names can be used for the FROM and TO command line parameters. One coded character set can be listed with several different names (aliases). 437, 500, 500V1, 850, 851, 852, 855, 856, 857, 860, 861, 862, 863, 864, 865, 866, 86...
例如,将一个命令的输出从 UTF-8 编码转换为 GBK 编码: command | iconv -f UTF-8 -t GBK 3. 转换字符串编码格式: 使用echo 命令输出字符串,并通过管道符号将其传递给 iconv 命令进行编码转换。 例如,将一个字符串从 UTF-8 编码转换为 GBK 编码: echo “Hello, 世界” | iconv -f UTF-8 -t GBK ...
-f和-t所能指定的合法字符在-l选项的命令里面都列出来了。 1. iconv -l 列出所有相应的编码 The following list contain all the coded character sets known. This does not necessarily mean that all combinations of these names can be usedforthe FROM and TO command line parameters. One coded charact...
logging.debug('Executing command: %s', command)try: subprocess.run(command, check=True)exceptsubprocess.CalledProcessErrorase: logging.error('Command failed with return code %d: %s', e.returncode, e.stderr) AI代码助手复制代码 使用专门的日志分析工具: 有些日志分析工具可以帮助你更深入地分析和追踪...
const{ exec } =require('child_process');functionconvertText(text, inputEncoding, outputEncoding) {returnnewPromise((resolve, reject) =>{constcommand =`iconv -f${inputEncoding}-t${outputEncoding}`;exec(command,(error, stdout, stderr) =>{if(error) {reject(error); ...
the FROMandTO command line parameters. One coded character set can be listed with several different names (aliases).437,500, 500V1,850,851,852,855,856,857,860,861,862,863,864,865,866, 866NAV,869,874,904,1026,1046,1047,8859_1,8859_2,8859_3,8859_4,8859_5,8859_6,8859_7,8859_8...
; } int code_convert(char *from_charset,char *to_charset, char *inbuf, size_
not necessarily mean that all combinationsofthese names can be usedfortheFROMandTOcommand line parameters.One coded charactersetcan be listedwithseveral differentnames(aliases).437,500,500V1,850,851,852,855,856,857,860,861,862,863,864,865,866,866NAV,869,874,904,1026,1046,1047,8859_1,8859_...