我花了很多功夫才弄清楚React Native Paper中用于图标的存储库,使用React Native Paper设计APP变得非常容易,但弄清楚图标名称有点困难。react-native react-native-paper material-design-icons 4个回答 3投票 React Native Paper 默认使用 Material Community Icons,弄清楚图标名称有点困难,下面是备忘单的 CDN URL,...
Example in RNP code: https://github.com/callstack/react-native-paper/blob/main/src/components/Checkbox/CheckboxAndroid.tsx#L146 Maybe we could provide an internal implementation of the MaterialCommunityIcon in the provider too?Activity Sign up for free to join this conversation on GitHub. Already...
npm install react-native-icons@0.4.0 --save Note that 0.4.0 does not support Android. Getting started - iOS In XCode, in the project navigator right click Libraries ➜ Add Files to [your project's name] Go to node_modules ➜ react-native-icons➜ ios and add ReactNativeIcons.xcode...
A React Native wrapper on top of [https://github.com/PrideChung/FontAwesomeKit]. Currently we support 5 different icon fonts and 2444 icons. FontAwesome 4.4 Contains 585 icons ionicons 2.0.0 Contains 733 icons, lots of iOS 7 style outlined icons. Foundation icons Contains 283 icons. Zocial...
“‘messages”变量需要在默认的react本机“Text”组件中显示。'react';import { Searchbar } from 'react-native-paper'; import { theme } from '../t 浏览28提问于2021-02-16得票数 0 4回答 React本机Expo.Font.loadAsync不加载材料图标 、 对于使用的是React本地元素。import React from 'react'import...
} from 'react-native'; import color from './Color' //颜色样式 import Memo from "../Memo/Memo"; import Ionicons from 'react-native-vector-icons/Ionicons' import Statistics from "../Statistics/Statistics"; import {createBottomTabNavigator} from "react-navigation"; import Home from "../Home...
在React Native开发过程中,有时候我们可能需要访问平台的API,但react Native还没有相应的实现,或者是...
Ionic - Icons - There are more than 700 premium icons provided by Ionic. There are also different sets of icons provided for Android and IOS. You can find almost anything you need but you are not bound to use them, if you do not want to. You can use your
1. 解决方法:将项目目录下 node_modules/react-native/local-cli/core/__fixtures__/files/package.json删除 2. 出现这个错误 解决方案:删除重新安装react-native-vector-icons 安装完成后执行 react-native link 继续修改问题1的错误 3.出现下面这个错误 unRecognized fo... ...
React solved the same problem with the for HTML attribute, they have decided to call the prop htmlFor. This change follows the same reasoning. -<AddIcon nativeColor={secondary.contrastText} /> +<AddIcon htmlColor={secondary.contrastText} /> [Divider] Remove the deprecated inset prop (#148...