NEVER attach AVOID piacing the transceiver against walls or putting an antenna or internal antenna connector during trans- anything on top of the transceiver. This will obstruct mission. This may result in an electrical shock or burm. heat dissipation。 作 NEVER apply Ac to the [DC13.8V] sock...
R957030005000S.RESERJ2GEJ471X(470)T76.2/28.87520000270S.RESPRG21BC4R7MM1RA R957030005030S.RESERJ2GEJ152X(1.5k)T76.2/28.8[CHN]onlyB83/8.4 R967030005120S.RESERJ2GEJ102X(1k)R2397030007340S.RESERJ2GEJ153X(15k)B27.9/6.4 [3],[8],[9],[17],[22],[23]B87.3/36.5R2407030005210S.RESERJ2GEJ82...
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