Icom CI-V 接口指南说明书 Icom CI-V Interface Guide First of all, thank you for purchasing my Icom CI-V interface cable. Hopefully, this guide will allow you to get your PC connected to your Icom Radio with the minimum of effort. Your Interface comes with a 30 Day No Questions ...
多功能ICOM CI-V接口的制作,多功能ICOM CI-V接口的制作,多功能ICOM,CI-V接口的制作相关精品文档 更多 多功能APC接口测试工装 配网多功能接口通信终端 多功能数字时钟的设计与制作 多功能无人船的制作方法 多功能手表的制作方法 基于光传送网的多功能接口设计 多功能保健手表的制作方法 多功能堵漏装置的制作方法...
CI-V Level Converter Order #2771 TheICOM CT-17 CI-V Level Converterallows the connection of the IC-746Pro transceiver to a personal computer RS-232C port. In fact, up to four Icom CI-V transceivers or receivers can be connected via the CT-17 at once!
IcomCI-VInterfaceGuide Firstofall,thankyouforpurchasingmyIcomCI-Vinterfacecable.Hopefully,thisguidewillallow youtogetyourPCconnectedtoyourIcomRadiowiththeminimumofeffort.YourInterfacecomes witha30DayNoQuestionsSatisfactionGuaranteeandfull12Monthwarranteeagainstmaterial failure. Pleasenote:AlthoughIhaveneverhadanyinter...
The Icom IC-9100 features the traditional Icom CI-V port plus a USB port. This USB port can be used for:Input modulation Remotely control the transceiver using CI-V commandsSend the received audio to the PCSend the decoded characters to the PCLow-speed data communication in the DV mode...
Interface comes with cables designed to work with a STANDARD CI-V port. Note that some radios, such as the Icom R-20, have a special CI-V jack that also has audio. You'll need to make a special cable for such radios, to only pass the ground and CI-V signal, and not the audio...
多功能ICOMCI-V接口的制作 多功能ICOM CI-V接口的制作 吴国光 【期刊名称】《无线电》 【年(卷),期】2008(000)006 【摘要】多功能ICOM CI—V接口,使个人电脑可以在业余电台比赛时实时取得操作收发信电台设备的频率、模式等数据,配合电台日志LOG软件完成自动录入功能,通联时只需要输入对方呼号和信号报告就可以了...
Be sure to visit ourIcom USB CI-V Interfacepage. Interested in interfacing your computer to your Icom radio(s), but not interested in paying Icom's high price for an interface? Well, here's how you can build your own interface for $5 or so, in about an hour. ...
多功能ICOM CI-V接口的制作 作者:吴国光多功能接口业余电台制作自动填充个人电脑自动录入天线指向 摘要:多功能ICOM CI—V接口,使个人电脑可以在业余电台比赛时实时取得操作收发信电台设备的频率、模式等数据,配合电台日志LOG软件完成自动录入功能,通联时只需要输入对方呼号和信号报告就可以了。在连接上互联网的DX网络之后...
27. CI-V ADDRESS:CI-V地址 28. CI-V BAUD RATE:CI-V通信速率 29. CI-V TRANSCEIVE:CI-V同时连接另外一台发射机时,发射时的频率即时同步至IC-R20作实时监听 录音设定菜单:(长按REC键进入菜单,短按为进入或退出子菜单,频率(频道)旋钮进行设定) 1. QUALITY:录音品质设定 2. REC REMOTE:自动录音,当静噪...