If a device finds a problem that is not covered in any ICMP message type, it sends a parameter problem message to the sender. In IPv4 network, usually it occurs when arguments to an option are incorrect. In IPv6, this error occurs when the value in the header field is out of the ran...
The concern with Proxy ARP is that is can conceal a number of misconfigured address masks on the network. Now, this is fine as long as you are willing to accept the network as a misconfigured mess being held together by the Proxy feature in the router. When the day comes to reconfigure...
Forpeoplefamiliarwiththenetwork,ICMPisfamiliarwithit. ItworksasIPprotocolinthenetworklayeroftheISOmodel. Itsfullnameis:InternetControlMessageProtocal.,itsmain functioninthenetworkis: Hostdetection Routingmaintenance Routeselection Flowcontrol Therearemanymethodsfordetectingthehost,thehostofsome serviceBANNERapplicati...
A router can not find a host computer on a destination network or when a frame has circulated in a routing loop until its Time To Live counter has been decremented to zero then the router discards the message. A user sends a message to connect to a non-existent program in a host comput...