If a device finds a problem that is not covered in any ICMP message type, it sends a parameter problem message to the sender. In IPv4 network, usually it occurs when arguments to an option are incorrect. In IPv6, this error occurs when the value in the header field is out of the ran...
When Proxy ARP is active in the router there is the effect that the misconfigured address mask values in the workstations are concealed. The station that thinks a remote destination is actually local will ARP incorrectly for the remote destination. The router will simply answer the ARP (the ‘...
Forpeoplefamiliarwiththenetwork,ICMPisfamiliarwithit. ItworksasIPprotocolinthenetworklayeroftheISOmodel. Itsfullnameis:InternetControlMessageProtocal.,itsmain functioninthenetworkis: Hostdetection Routingmaintenance Routeselection Flowcontrol Therearemanymethodsfordetectingthehost,thehostofsome serviceBANNERapplicati...
Not every IP implementation (particularly on some lower-performance devices) support the full range of ICMP functionality. While it can be assumed that all IP communicators support ICMP Echo and Echo Reply (for the Ping command) they don’t all support the Redirect functionality. In this case ...