右键model→create object→Block block的区域为散热器上方全部区域; 双击block→info→priority:设置为1(优先级设置为1,优先划分网格,不会影响到后续block中固体网格的生成)。 双击block→properties→Block type:设定为hollow。 Mesh网格生成设置 点击上方图标进入Mesh网格生成。Mesh...
. . . . . 29 78 The mesh control settings I have specified do not work. What is happening? . . . 29 79 My mesh quality is good, but the solution does not converge. Why? . . . . . . . . 29 3 ANSYS Tips V0.3 c ⃝ E 29 80 . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....
Icepak issues a warning that "StationaryWall2 Boundary does not have mesh". I don't understand this, because the boundary is in the XZ plane, and the mesh shows clearly that there is a mess on this very plane. I tried adding a sheet at this location and assigning the wall to the ...
鼠标右键点击模型树节点Model,选择弹出菜单项Create object → Assembly创建装配体 利用鼠标将风扇拖拽到新建的装配体中 注:创建装配体的目的是为后面网格划分做准备。 4 生成网格 鼠标双击模型树节点assembly.1,弹出设置对话框,激活选项Mesh separately,并设置Slack参数,如下图所示 鼠标双击模型树节点assembly.2,弹出设...
does not touch the heat sink fins After specifying the slack the assembly can cut through a solid or fluid object, as the PCB is cut in this example;Multiple assemblies can be meshed separately provided: Assemblies are not be embedded within each other In this instance, choose not to mesh ...
rightmousebuttonanywhereinthegraphicswindow,butnotonanobject.Select Displaymeshandselecttheobjectyouwantitdisplayedon. Release15.0-©SASIP,Inc.Containsproprietaryandinformation ofANSYS,Inc.anditssubsidiariesandaffiliates. 20Published:2012-11-26 Step4:PhysicalandNumericalSettings Figure1.5:Displaymeshoption 1.7....
Bothofthesemesherscanbeusedtomeshassembliesseparately.Thiswillbediscussedinmoredetaillater.Bothmeshershavethesameglobalandper-objectsettings.E-5 Checkingduringmeshing ▪Duringthemeshingprocessforthehexahedralmeshers,Icepakusestheseparationvaluetocheckthemodel.▪Icepakcalculatesthedistancesbetweenobjectsineachco-...
② 可以通过切面或者Object face进行体后处理显示。点击 Post—Transient settings瞬态设置或者直接点击快捷工具栏的瞬态设置按钮 ,打开Post-processing time面板,在Time step中输入查看的时间步长数值,点击Update,更新后处理的瞬态显示;点击Forward或者Backward可以向前或后退显示对应的时间步长计算结果。 如果选择Time value,...
“O” grid Does not group adjacent objects for “O” meshing Each object will have separate “O” mesh Mesh assemblies separately Where an assembly has the option to be meshed separately, Icepak will make a non-conformal interface at bounding box of the part and put a finer mesh on the ...
33、s) and click Done.Click Accept in the Radiation specification panel when you have finished the speci- fication.3.Specify the material to be used for the currently selected side of the object or surface. This material defines the roughness and emissivity of the object or surface, and is ...