Icepak issues a warning that "StationaryWall2 Boundary does not have mesh". I don't understand this, because the boundary is in the XZ plane, and the mesh shows clearly that there is a mess on this very plane. I tried adding a sheet at this location and assigning the wall to the ...
案例icepak网概述介绍.pdf,Introduction to ANSYS Icepak Chapter contents Customer Training Material • Icepak Mesh Overview • Fundamentals of Icepak Mesh ➢ Global Mesh Controls ➢ Local Mesh Refinement ➢ Meshing Priority ➢ Mesh Verification
Bothofthesemesherscanbeusedtomeshassembliesseparately.Thiswillbediscussedinmoredetaillater.Bothmeshershavethesameglobalandper-objectsettings.E-5 Checkingduringmeshing ▪Duringthemeshingprocessforthehexahedralmeshers,Icepakusestheseparationvaluetocheckthemodel.▪Icepakcalculatesthedistancesbetweenobjectsineachco-...
ANSYS Icepak does not include the trace geometry in the physical model; however, the locally varying orthotropic conductivity is mapped from the background mesh to the physical model mesh. Once the trace ?le is imported and assigned to the board geometry, the trace layers are associated with ...
does not touch the heat sink fins After specifying the slack the assembly can cut through a solid or fluid object, as the PCB is cut in this example Multiple assemblies can be meshed separately provided: Assemblies are not be embedded within each other In this instance, choose not to mesh ...
icepakmeshingfluentmeshmeshersmesher E-1 Meshing E-2 Choiceofthreemeshersavailable: TwoHexahedralmeshers Suitedformost(99%)of electronicscoolingapplications. Unstructured –Itcanbeusedformost applicationssatisfactorily Cartesian Tetrahedralmesher Intendedforsomecomplex geometry Mustbeusedforellipsoids, ellipticalcy...
? Adding slack region propagates the finer mesh within by the indicated distance ? useful with heat sinks and natural convection ? The orange MinX, MinY, etc buttons can be used as snap tools to align slack values to existing objects ? Note: creation of an assembly does not automatically ...
Do not select the geometry representing the wall at the top of the cabinet. Hint: If you select CAD geometry that does not represent the grille, hold down the key and click on the geometry to be deselected using the left mouse button. iii. When you h 16、ave selected all the CAD ...
November 22, 2017 Mesher-HD: 2D Multi-level Controls Mesh count reduced as only angled or curved features need to have cut-cell resolved.网格数 量明显减少,因为仅仅对有角度和弧线的特征 进行Cutcell的网格细化 Anisotropic: cells subdivide in a particular direction to resolve only curve and angular ...
“O” grid Does not group adjacent objects for “O” meshing Each object will have separate “O” mesh Mesh assemblies separately Where an assembly has the option to be meshed separately, Icepak will make a non-conformal interface at bounding box of the part and put a finer mesh on the ...