Error: Running FLUENT V6 interface vers. 12.0.1 error opening file E:/2/case.uns:No such file or directory df_open :: No such file or directory I open the ICEM and input the model (.tin), then input the replay file, it will start to work. But when it output the mesh(.mesh),...
信息栏中报错信息是error :opening mesh fileunloaded unstructured domain. 关注问题写回答 邀请回答 好问题 1 知乎· 4 个回答 · 7 关注 Finley2357关注我的解决办法 办法一:把project另存到其他磁盘,并从其他磁盘打开prj文件,并重新生成非结构网格后在把替换掉之前的project。 办法二:更改工作...
H:/ansys: H:/ansys: error opening file H:/ansys : No such file or directory Error: 0 Error...
分享《精通CFD工程仿真与案例实战》pdf,里边主要讲解icem网格划分,附带源文件和视频资料,需要的留下邮箱。 Alexeem 11-1 0 求大佬看看,为什么水翼划分完后表面没生成网格 洛埋名s 10-31 为什么两个表面没生成网格啊 两边倒是生成了 洛埋名s 10-31 0 通过两个模型看“封闭曲线分割实体”功能 凡泽小...
Error in opening Blocking File. Better to add geometry as well. You can post the tutorial privately if not possible to post here. ___ Best Regards Ali March 28, 2013, 17:42 #9 Hybrid Senior Member Ali Join Date: Jan 2012 Location: Pakistan Posts: 134 Rep Power: 16 Prisms...
When the following error message is received: could not find surface: 166, resetting to default projection could not convert error executing command: SUPERFACES error reading file *.blk Error in opening Blocking file the following steps can help to fix the blocking file: – Make ...
E:/ANASY: E:/ANASY: error opening file E:/ANASY : No such file or directory Error: opening ...
更改工作目录,把工作目录更改到了我的文档,然后就解决啦 具体操作:File→Change Working Directory→...