ICEM Error..1.icem2020r2版本可以正常使用fluent,icem,icem可以正常打开.prj文件,但是不能导入.STP、.xt等2.基本确认路径全是英文,icem可以再workbench中正常使用3.
我用的file--import model,然后选择caitaV5格式文件,打开后提示栏显示pIPartMgr->AttachAssembly() failed!Current Coordinate system is globalError in importing model file C:/Users/grrzx/Desktop/CATIA 模型/jiangye.CATPart 改成igs格式后可以导入,但只有线,实体显示不出来。
error importing model"the coordinate system is global" #1 aj1363 New Member Ali Join Date: Apr 2020 Posts: 1 Rep Power:0 Hi I am trying to import the *.step file in the ICEM, but this error shows up "the coordinate system is global" and fail to load the step file. ...
So, I tried to import an IGES file too, but after the creation of the .tin file Icem says:can't read surface model. I really don't know what to do, I tried many times but never obtained some results. I hope someone can find a solution for my problem, thanks. ...
solid work..问题如下你需要在solid works保存设置时做好设置保存时选择step格式 然后单击选项单击导出如图保存后就可以正常导入到icem啦画网格去吧。。。ERROR: pIPartMgr->AttachAssembly() failed!Current Coordinate system is globalError in importing model file
ERROR There was a problem importing the mesh from the requested file. The importing process reported the following problem: Unable to import mesh: File <C:/ICEM CFD 5.1/plugs.uns> does not appear formatted as a CFX5 import file. I tried many times, with many different model, but have a...
choose "Import mesh", In "mesh format", I choose "ICEM CFD", then I browse to file "model.uns", then click, but error appears like: ERROR There was a problem importing the mesh from the requested file. The importing process reported the following problem: Unable to import mesh: File ...
ERROR There was a problem importing the mesh from the requested file. The importing process reported the following problem: Unable to import mesh: File <C:/ICEM CFD 5.1/plugs.uns> does not appear formatted as a CFX5 import file. I tried many times, with many different model, but have a...