arthropods (065) Viral encephalitis, unspecified (066) Late effects of viral enceophalitis (067) Arthropod-borne hemorrhagic fever (068) Other arhropod-borne viral diseases (070) Infectious hepatitis (071) Rabies (072) Mumps (073) Psittacosis (074) Specified disease due to Coxsackie virus (075...
ICD10 Diagnosis 2016 A020 Salmonella enteritis A040 Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli infection A044 Other intestinal Escherichia coli infections A045 Campylobacter enteritis A047 Enterocolitis due to Clostridium difficile A048 Other specified bacterial intestinal infections A049 Bacterial intestinal infection, ...
due to trauma 33812 Acute post-thoracot pain 33818 Acute postop pain NEC 33819 Acute pain NEC 33821 Chronc pain d/t trauma 33822 Chron post-thoracot pain 33828 Chronic postop pain NEC 33829 Chronic pain NEC 3383 Neoplasm related pain 3384 Chronic pain syndrome 33900 Cluster headache syn NOS...