Following is the list of accepted ICASSP 2024 papers, sorted by paper title. You can use the search feature of your web browser to find your paper number. Notifications to all authors have also been sent by email. If you have not received your notification of the results by email, please...
该文章首先argue了mixup在longtail dataset中的泛化能力,指出mixup可能在这种数据集中会导致更加严重的不均衡问题,这是因为mixup选择主类的随机性与原始数据的不平衡性,导致大部分的mixup数据实际上base on head class(见图1)。而现有的方法通常是通过调整mixup的参数增加生成图像尾部类的比例,或者使用重采样增加tail cl...
paper: code implementation (in PyTorch)keywords: #多模态平衡 #多模态融合 importance: #star4 tl;nr: 本文的领域:Audio-Visual Fine-Grained (AVFG) 在细粒度任务上(比如以下:不同鸟的种类和叫声),多模态联合训练时,发现前面介绍的方法OGM-GE、G-blending效果反而不...
See Results tab for final results evaluated on Blind Testset. Five papers were invited from 7 teams where three teams from Tencent agreed to submit one paper. These teams will submit 2-page paper in ICASSP 2023. For deadline, please see the timeline tab. These five teams will get an ...
The code for ICASSP 2023 paper: MRML: Multimodal Rumor Detection by Deep Metric Learning. - plw-study/MRML
This repository includes source code for training and using the Born Fourier Neural Operator (BornFNO) model proposed in our ICASSP 2023 paper, Deep Born Operator Learning for Reflection Tomographic Imaging by Qingqing Zhao, Yanting Ma, Petros Boufounos, Saleh Nabi, Hassan Mansour....
8. Overall evaluation of this paper:--- 去年用CMT的系统时,会显示8,今年用回了ICASSP自己的系统...
原作者有啥反应,没出来辩驳吗? 有过类似经历,国内一已毕业博士在本方向灌水了多个大学学报,然后还在软件学报写了个综述,里边对国外一经典论文的理解都是错的,结果我投电子学报时审稿人采纳该博士观点,说我理解有问题。后来申诉重投,回避了那个博士及其导师,就录用了 ICASSP2023审稿意见公布,一起交流下吧?
This repository contains the pytorch code for the 2023 ICASSP paper "Preformer: Predictive Transformer with Multi-Scale Segment-wise Correlations for Long-Term Time Series Forecasting”. Model The core MSSC module: Acknowledgment This repository uses some code fromAutoformerandInformer. Thanks to the...
The MIR-MLPop dataset and the official implementation of the paper "MIR-MLPop: A Multilingual Pop Music Dataset with Time-Aligned Lyrics and Audio," ICASSP 2024. - york135/MIRMLPop