Call for Exhibitors and Sponsors:To showcase their products and innovative solutions, as well as recruitment and networking opportunities. Please check the conference webpage for information about signing up to become an exhibitor or sponsor at ICASSP 2023. SP Society Journal Paper Presentations:Authors...
A system trained simultaneously on pooled short and long speech segments does not give optimal verification results and usually degrades both for short and long segments. This paper addresses the problem of creating universal speaker encoders for different speech segments duration. We describe our ...
Call for Exhibitors and Patrons: To showcase their products and innovative solutions, as well as recruitment and networking opportunities. Please check the conference webpage for information about signing up to become an exhibitor or patron at ICASSP 2024. SP Society Journal Paper Presentations: Autho...
Official Tensorflow implementation of ICASSP 2023 paper, "Temporal Modeling Matters: A Novel Temporal Emotional Modeling Approach for Speech Emotion Recognition".[paper][code] 📕Introduction In this paper, we propose aTemporal-aware bI-directionMulti-scale Network, termedTIM-Net, which is a novel ...
论文截稿日期:2023年3月12日 论文结果通知日期:2023年4月14日 Camera-ready日期:2023年4月28日 以上时间均为11:59PM UTC-12:00 ("anywhere on Earth") 论文提交 Paper Submission Ambient AI 研讨会接受短文(2 页)和长文(4 页)提交,主题在我们的范围页面中突出显示。提交需要遵守主要会议网站上规定的 ICAS...