航行服务程序 PANS(Procedures for Air navigation services) 是附件的补充文件,含配合SARPs实施的具体操作程序。 PANS通常由航行委员会根据专业航行会议的建议制定。 包括: PANS-ABC《国际民航组织缩略语和代码》 (DOC8400) PANS-OPS《航空器运行》(DOC8168) PANS-ATM《空中交通管理》(DOC4444) PANS-AIM《航空情报...
现阶段《国际民用航空公约》的附件有19份,具体包括: 3 3.1航行服务程序 PANS(Procedures for Air navigation services)是附件的补充文件,含配合SARPs实施的具体操作程序,是对附件具体规定的细化,包括: ①PANS-ABC《国际民航组织缩略语和代码》(DOC8400) ②PANS-OPS《航空器运行》(...
与此同时,其前身—空中航行国际委员会(International Committee for Air Navigation, ICAN)的成员国也同意解散该组织而由国际民航组织取代。 根据大会决定,临时国际民用航空组织由选举产生的三类21个国家的代表组成临时理事会进行管理。第一类:比利时、巴西、法国、...
ICAO Doc 444: Procedures for air navigation services
Annex 3 Meteorological Service for International Air Navigation 附件4 航图 Annex 4 Aeronautical Charts 附件5 空中和地面运行中使用的计量单位 Annex 5 Units of Measurement to be Used in Air and Ground Operations 附件6 航空器的运行 Operation of Aircraft ...
ICAO is organizing the first of these ICAO Air Navigation Worldbrand of events with a theme of “Shaping the Skies of Tomorrow: Addressing Key Issues and Technologies in Air Navigation and Safety” in an effort to obtain stakeholder insight for enhancing the organization’s innovation and ...
Montreal, Canada Join us! ICAO is organizing the first of these ICAO Air Navigation World brand of events with a theme of “Shaping the Skies of Tomorrow: Addressing Key Issues and Technologies in Air Navigation and Safety” in an effort to obtain stakeholder insight for enhancing the organ...
RecommendedPractices(SARPs)andProc.以luresforAirNavigationServices(PANS))。ICAO-compliantairspace usersinclude: a)allcivilaircraftoperators(i.e.thoseengagedincommercialairtranspolt(passenger,mailand cargoservices),aerialwork,airtaxioperaiors,businessaviat,。”’privateair1ransport, S帜mingandrecreationalaviation...
ICAO 2023-2025年的战略目标包括:安全(Safety)、空中航行的能力和效率(Air Navigation Capacity and Efficiency)、安保与简化手续(Security and Facilitation)、航空运输经济发展(Economic Development of Air Transport)、环境保护(Environmental Protection)共5项。