Chapter X The Air Naviation Commission 第十一章 人事 Chapter XI Personnel 第十二章 财政 Chapter XII Finance 第十三章 其他国际协议 Chapter XIII Other International Arrangements 第三部分 国际航空运输 Part III International Air Transport 第十四章 资料和报告 Chapter XIV Information and Reports 第十五章 ...
NavigationCommissionLaurelAward. ICAO’sAirNavigationCommission(ANC)isthetechnicalbodyleadingthedevelopmentof internationalcivilaviationStandardsandRecommendedPractices.ItsLaurelAwardisbestowedon anindividualorgroupwho,initsopinion,hasmadeanoutstandingcontributiontofurtheringthe safety,regularityandefficiencyofinternationalcivi...
摘要:英语缩略语在ICAO 出版物中使用广泛,对这些英语缩略语的翻译进行研究有着重要意义。从ICAO 出版物英语缩略语的构成方式和内容方面,对其进行了梳理分类,并结合实例对ICAO 出版物英语缩略语的翻译 策略进行了分析和探讨。关键词:ICAO 出版物;英语缩略语;翻译策略 中图分类号:G623.31 文献标识码:A 文章...
piloted used of IAMS to connect Annex 17 SARPS with the paragraphs of the Security Manual. Next steps to connect also USAP PQs; Process developed by the Air Navigation Commission (ANC) for direct submissions; work done to streamline the document processes related to amendm...
1 April 1952 Division 4 July 1952 1 September 1952 7 Air Navigation Commission Introduction of definitions for height, altitude and elevation in Annex 10. 17 June 1952 1 December 1952 1 April 1953 8 Fourth Session of the COM Amendments concerning definitions, VHF radiotelegraph for aural 17 ...
On account of reducing accident risk of commercial aviation, ICAO introduced the first version of the Global Aviation Safety Plan (GASP) in 1997 by formalizing a series of conclusions and recommendations developed during an informal meeting between the ANC (Air Navigation Commission) and industry. Th...
To develop the concept, the ICAO Air Navigation Commission established the Air Traffic Management Operational Concept Panel (ATMCP). The operational concept contained herein is intended to guide the implementation of CNS/ATM technology by providing a description of how the emerging and future ATM ...
ANCAirNavigationCommission ANSPAirnavigationservicesprovider ASBUA川ationSystemBlockUpgrade ASBUPPTASBUPanelProjectTeam ATMAirtrafficmanagement BBBBasicbuildin.gblock CNSCommumcat1ons,navigationandsurve11lance FIRFlightinformationregion GAGeneral‘1vmt1on GANPGlobalAirNavigationPlan GASPGlobalAviationSafetyPlan GASeP...
In2001,theICAOAirNavigationCommissiontookactiontoaddresstheproblemof runwayincursions.Severalcriticalareaswereidentifiedthatneededtobeinvestigatedandwhichhad arelationtooverallrunwaysafety.Theseincluded:radiotelephonyphraseology,language proficiency,equipment,aerodromelightingandmarkings,aerodromecharts,operationalaspects, ...
(中文版)国际民航组织空中航行报告2014年版 ICAO-Air Navigation Report-2014