ICAO Abbreviations and Codes (Document 8400)doi:ICAO 8400国际民航组织8400包含经国际民航组织理事会批准在全球范围内用于国际航空电信服务和航空信息文件的缩略语和代码,以及用于飞行前信息公告和ATS数据链路通信的统一缩略语,航空导航服务程序的状态(缩写为PANS-ABC)....
ICAO Abbreviations and Codes (Document 8400) 来自 掌桥科研 喜欢 0 阅读量: 19 标准号: ICAO 8400 摘要: 国际民航组织8400包含经国际民航组织理事会批准在全球范围内用于国际航空电信服务和航空信息文件的缩略语和代码,以及用于飞行前信息公告和ATS数据链路通信的统一缩略语,航空导航服务程序的状态(缩写为PANS-...
PANS-ABC/Abbreviations and Codes,缩略语和代码,ICAO第8400号文件(Doc 8400) 航行时常用的缩写和代码列表。 PANS-OPS/Aircraft Operations,航空器运行,ICAO第8168号文件(Doc 8168) 为设计仪表进近和离场程序制定规则。此类程序用于在仪表气象条件 (IMC) 实施仪表飞行规则 (IFR) 时所允许的航空器起降。 《8168号文...
第四部分:航行服务程序及航行技术资料代码名称航行服务程序ABC-ICAOAbbreviationsandcodes,6thedition84008168-2OPS-Aircraftoperationsvolume2-Constructionofvisualandinstrumentflightprocedures,4thedition 版本20041993 单价(人民币)521.004210.00 备注 全球机场资讯175016Airportcharacteristicsdatabank(ACDB)volume1-summaryand...
By Amendment 42, Part IV was deleted from the Annex; the codes and abbreviations contained in that part weretransferred to a new document, Doc 8400.As a result of the adoption of Amendment 44 on 31 May 1965, the Seventh Edition of Annex 10 was replaced by two volumes: Volume I (First...
protectionvolume1-Aircraftnoise,3rdedition July1993925.00 代码名称版本备注 航行服务程序 8400 ABC-ICAOAbbreviationsandcodes,6thedition 2004521.00 8168-219934210.00 全球机场资讯 175016 Airportcharacteristicsdatabank(ACDB)volume1-summaryandexplanation 2004547.00 175017 Airportcharacteristicsdatabank(ACDB)volume2-Africa-...
内容提示: ICAO Abbreviationsand CodesProcedures forAir Navigation ServicesThis edition incorporates all amendmentsapproved by the Council prior to 24 July 2010and supersedes, on 18 November 2010,all previous editions of PANS-ABC (Doc 8400).International Civil Aviation OrganizationDoc 8400Eighth Edition ...
By Amendment 42, Part IV was deleted from the Annex; the codes and abbreviations contained in that part were transferred to a new document, Doc 8400. As a result of the adoption of Amendment 44 on 31 May 1965, the Seventh Edition of Annex 10 was replaced by two volumes: Volume I (...
This application contains over 1000 codes and fully conforms with the current ICAO Abbreviations and Codes (Doc 8400). Use it to easily decode any aviation message such as weather, flight plans and many more. If you would like to have this app in a language other than English, please email...