(ix) CHAPTER1.Definitions...1-1 CHAPTER2.Applicability...2-1 CHAPTER3.General...3-1 3.1Compliancewithlaws,regulationsand procedures...3-1 3.2Accidentpreventionandflightsafety programme...3-1 3.3Flightsafetydocumentssystem...3-2 3.4Dangerousgoods...3-2 3.5Useofpsychoactivesubstances...3-2 ...
Discover ICAO Code Abbreviations: Dive deeper into a comprehensive list of top-voted ICAO Code Acronyms and Abbreviations. Explore USMM Definitions: Discover the complete range of meanings for USMM, beyond just its connections to ICAO Code. Contribute an Abbreviation: Have an abbreviation we haven...
Definitions 1-1 CHAPTER 2. General provisions for radio navigation aids 2-1 2.1 Standard radio navigation aids 2-1 2.2 Ground and flight testing 2-2 2.3 Provision of information on the operational status of radio navigation services 2-3 2.4 Power supply for radio navigation aids and ...
27May2014 9.00-9.30Presentation/Seminararrangements 9.30-10.30Introduction 10.30-10.45CoffeeBreak 10.45-12.00Doc9760PartI–DefinitionsandAbbreviations 12.00-13.00LunchBreak 13.00-14.30Doc9760PartII–AirworthinessOrganizationalStructureandStateresponsibilities 14.30-14.45CoffeeBreak 14.45-16.00Doc9760PartIII–Stateof...
c) Definitions of terms used in the Standards and Recommended Practices which are not self-explanatory in that they do not have accepted dictionary meanings. A definition does not have independent status but is an essential part of each Standard and Recommended Practice in which the term is used...
国际民航组织ICAO Doc9859《安全管理手册》(SMM)2013年第三版 英文
ICAO_附件10_v5_2ed.pdf,k r ~ ~ r l ~ r c h and Recommended Practices Valuw V Aeronautical RadCo Frequency Spectrum Utillzatlon This edRlon meorpomks eU amendments adopted by theCornell prkr to13 M a dMI1 and mpemecb, on 1Nowrnber2W1, all prwburemlorn of
12 March 2001 16 July 2001 1 November 2001 (vii) INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS AND RECOMMENDED PRACTICES CHAPTER 1. DEFINITIONS Note.- All references to "Radio Regulations" are to the Radio Regulations published by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).Radio ~egulations amended from are time to...
normative references 11-1 definitions . 11-2 technical specifications for machine readable passports 11-3 ill . technical specifications for the security of the design. manufacture and issuance of machine readable travel documents . 1 1 1 - 1 scope . 1 1 1 - 1 security of the mrp and its...
January15January15ICAOAnnex14TrainingCourseICAOAnnex14TrainingCourse11 ICAOAnnex14ICAOAnnex14 totheConventionontotheConventionon InternationalCivilAviationInternationalCivilAviation AerodromesAerodromes Volume1Volume1 AerodromeDesignandOperationsAerodromeDesignandOperations 44 thth EditionEdition--July2004July2004 January...