内容提示: SERVICEMANUALHF/VHF/UHF ALL MODE TRANSCEIVERS-14214HZ-C1Dec. 2005 Downloaded by?RadioAmateur.EU 文档格式:PDF | 页数:92 | 浏览次数:3 | 上传日期:2024-11-11 23:49:42 | 文档星级: SERVICEMANUALHF/VHF/UHF ALL MODE TRANSCEIVERS-14214HZ-C1Dec. 2005 Downloaded by?RadioAmateur.EU ...
Digital IF fi lter, manual no tch fi lter, digital twin PBT and more. The lat-est digital features are incorporated in this compact radio from two DSP chips that deliver superior process-ing perfo rmance. Of co urse, tho se features work on all ham bands, from HF to the 70cm band....
Common network architecture (1 ~ 7 types).is listed in section 2.4 of manual , you can refer to the listing to find out which type is suitable for your computer and finish the setting as the instructions given in section 2.4. To set up IP-CAM and IP address, the common way that ...
manualcontainsimportantsafetyandoperatingin- structionsfortheIC-7000. EXPLICITDEFINITIONS WORDDEFINITION RWARNING Personalinjury,firehazardorelectric shockmayoccur. CAUTIONEquipmentdamagemayoccur. NOTE Ifdisregarded,inconvenienceonly.No riskorpersonalinjury,fireorelectric ...
manualcontainsimportantsafetyandoperatingin- structionsfortheIC-7000. EXPLICITDEFINITIONS WORDDEFINITION RWARNING Personalinjury,firehazardorelectric shockmayoccur. CAUTIONEquipmentdamagemayoccur. NOTE Ifdisregarded,inconvenienceonly.No riskorpersonalinjury,fireorelectric ...
ALL MODE TRANSCEIVER i7000 IMPORTANT EXPLICIT DEFINITIONS READ THIS INSTRUCTION MANUAL WORD DEFINITION CAREFULLY before attempting to operate the Personal injury, fire hazard or electric transceiver. RWARNING shock may occur. SAVE THIS INSTRUCTION MANUAL. This CAUTION Equipment damage may occur. ...
• Filter width adjustable by mode with “sharp” and “soft” shape factors • Dual ADI Blackfin DSP Processors - feature set similar to the IC-7800, IC-756 Pro III • ACG loop performance controlled by DSP • Auto notch plus dual manual notch filters for up to 70 dB of ...
其实所有的二手老电台和收信机一样,均需重新调整才能使其接收性能接近出厂状态(IC-R71E的中英文使用手册、英文维修手册的电子文档网络上唾手可得,但Icom提供的维修手册只有基本调整参考很多关键的问题都没有提到,可能是厂家也留一手。为此以前某单位编制过r71维护资料汇编说得比较详细,远远超过原厂service manual。如果...
To quote the IC-7000 service manual (p. 3-7): The VHF/UHF APC detector circuits (PA unit; D501, D504, D401, D404) detect the forward and reflection signals and convert into DC voltages. The converted DC voltages are combined and applied to the ALC amplifier (pins 1, 2) as "VUFOR...