ICOM艾克幕IC-7000_维修拆解手册 下载积分: 1999 内容提示: SERVICEMANUALHF/VHF/UHF ALL MODE TRANSCEIVERS-14214HZ-C1Dec. 2005 Downloaded by?RadioAmateur.EU 文档格式:PDF | 页数:92 | 浏览次数:3 | 上传日期:2024-11-11 23:49:42 | 文档星级: ...
Icom IC-7000 | Service Manual - Page 4 scan edges, 2 call) • Antenna connector : SO-239 × 2 (for HF/50 MHz and 144/430 MHz)/50 Ω • Power supply requirement : 13.8 V DC ±15% (negative ground) • Frequency stability : Less than ±0.5 ppm (0˚C to +50˚C ;+...
icom_ic-7000_service_manual.pdf 行业 - 电信少年**意气 上传10.69MB 文件格式 pdf IC-7000 HF/VHF/UHF 全模式收发信机 HF、50MHz、144MHz和430/440MHz多频段车载电台,具有先进的高品质中频DSP数字信号处理能力,其技术特性和技术优势甚至超越以往的基站式机型,ICOM通信技术精湛绝伦。 中频数字信号处理-出类拔萃...
ICOM IC-DELTA1A IC-DELTA1E Instruction Manual说明书用户手册.pdf,INSTRUCTION MANUAL TRIBAND FM TRANSCEIVER [站 (人二 IC-L1E Icom Inc. IMPORTANT CAUTIONS READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS carefuly and com- NEVER connect the transceiver to an AC outlet or to a pletely
AVGi 口 te Use of St ngS chermesl SGsPts SS 芭 S CPPERATING NOTES EXPLICH DEFINITIONS information coverheard through the IC-R1, Pu nct intenadea fr ybu, cannot be lawfully used in any way, The fciicowing explicit aefnitions apply to this manual: Thae IC-R1 may receivys jis cy ...
Icom IC-718 维修说明书手册.pdf,HF TRANCEIVER INTRODUCTION DANGER This service manual describes the latest service information NEVER connect the transceiver to an AC outlet or to a DC for the IC-718 HF TRANCEIVER at the time of publication. power supply t
ICOMIC-R15BASICMANUAL说明书用户手册用户手册产品说明书使用说明文档安装使用手册 BASICMAN COMMUNICATIONSRECEIVER IC一FRR Thisdevicecomplieswithpart15oftheFCC Rules.Operationissubjecttotheconditionthat thisdevicedoesnotcauseharmfulinterference. WARNING:MODIFICATIONOFTHISDEVICE TORECEIVECELLULARRADIOTELEPHONE SERVICESIGNALS...
icom_ic-r71_service_manual.pdf 本文内容为转帖,同时有删改,调试部分原作者 BG0FD;RAM板修复部分原作者:麦田守望兔 ;还有部分图片来自于其他网友。 编者按:ICOM的IC-R71E收信机是日本ICOM公司在1984-1996年期间生产的民用接收机,它属于比较优秀的民用接收机,但其接收性能不错(现在出的日本普及型电台如IC-7000,...
Instruction Manual / Guides NameModel NameNote Update information (Revision 1.10) CS-7100 Cloning Software DICHIARAZIONE DI CONFORMITA UE (ITALIANO) IC-7100 DOC (DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY) IC-7100 Full Manual IC-7100 Basic Manual IC-7100 Firmware information: Release E4 IC-7100 Firmware...
ModelIC-2730A/IC-2730E DocumentEXMENU items and CI-V information Note File size1.59MB About this Download Service. Icom Inc. would like to advise User's of the following regarding this download service for User Manuals and Service Manuals. If you agree to the following, push the AGREE butt...