近年のデジタル化の進展により、オンライン学習やリモートワークの普及が進んでいますが、障がい者にとってのアクセスや利用のしやすさは依然として課題があります。また昨今Return to Officeを掲げる企業が増えつつあるのも実態です。
“My kudos for Nvidia that they haven’t pushed people back into offices,” Brown said, adding that Nvidia is hiring away a lot of the people who were pushed into return to the office at other high tech companies. But, ironically, he said, Nvidia is finding that a lot of the managers...
How's that Return To The Office Working for You ? Is IBM management still checking the badge readers for reports on who is coming into the office ? Employees are smart enough to come in one door with a badge reader and exit out of another door which doesn't have a badge reader. LOL...
参观IBM 实验室,了解计算领域未来的发展前景 运用科技解决当今世界问题,离不开具备合适技能的人才。了解成为 IBM 一员需具备何种素质,也可借助我们的课程发展您的技能。
1.负责Office365平台(exchange 或Teams 等)的规划,负责与统一身份管理平台系统、视频会议系统和其他应用集成方案的设计、实施和项目管理。 2.负责Office365平台的日常管理、开发、实施、程序和相关优化计划,合理使用和灾难恢复演练,以确保正常的服务可用性。
Learn the two most basic objects in TM1 - Dimensions and Cubes, along with instructions on their... Master the purpose and uses of Cognos TM1 Turbo Integrator Get to grips with the different types of data that can be drilled into and learn the steps to create... ...
Klossy, NearForm, United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction, United Way, and World Institute on Disability. To help take on climate change, IBM is announcing new partnerships this year with Heifer International and charity: water. He...
By 2025, buildings will be the largest emitters of greenhouse gases on our planet.1 In the US, buildings consume 70% of all electricity, up to 50% of which is wasted. 2 Given these facts, it is no surprise that an effort is ongoing to address the efficiency and usability of buildings...
Detecting Ethical Risks in AI-Powered Healthcare Chatbots. A Clinical Office Assistant needs to identify discharged patients who may require additional support. Using a new hospital GenAI-based chatbot, the assistant asks the following question: “List patients with low income or no family support ...
2025年,生成式 AI在企业各个领域应用于开建和开发数据、技能与文化,作为推动生态系统长期成功的关键要素。放创新的用例将增长 138%,但只有 38%的受访高管表示其组织具备将生成式 AI应用于创新所需的内部专业知识。 不到一半的受访利用来自企业内部和外部的优质数据来推动创新。建立明确的数50–高管表示其组织已经...