近年のデジタル化の進展により、オンライン学習やリモートワークの普及が進んでいますが、障がい者にとってのアクセスや利用のしやすさは依然として課題があります。また昨今Return to Officeを掲げる企業が増えつつあるのも実態です。
“My kudos for Nvidia that they haven’t pushed people back into offices,” Brown said, adding that Nvidia is hiring away a lot of the people who were pushed into return to the office at other high tech companies. But, ironically, he said, Nvidia is finding that a lot of the managers...
The move towards a distributed workforce was already happening before the pandemic. While some companies are ordering workers to return to the office full-time, plenty are opting for hybrid work or fully remote workplaces. As such, they need to rethink their workflows, how they track elements l...
How's that Return To The Office Working for You ? Is IBM management still checking the badge readers for reports on who is coming into the office ? Employees are smart enough to come in one door with a badge reader and exit out of another door which doesn't have a badge reader. LOL...
"TRIRIGA generates powerful insights that can help organizations as they return employees to the office, while still finding new ways to build a flexible workplace for the future." TRIRIGA provides the required insights in one solution that can be deployed on premises ...
“We are already hearing our clients …where they’re saying, ‘Look, even when this epidemic passesand we’ll feel confidentabout asking our employees to return to the office,we no longer want to just go back to where we were,'” she said.“There’s a lot of work already being done...
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This wonderful environment for automating back-office functions is still widely in use today. Because all businesses have back offices, the information environment of the Mainframe Era became prolific in all businesses and all industries. The mainframe environment was not designed for such areas as ...
Khanh is in the Storage CTO Office specializing in data integration with IBM Storage products. He joined IBM in 2000 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering and a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science. Later, he received a Master of Science degree in Engineering Management....
Power Query 介绍 Power Query 是微软提供的工具,Excel 2013 版作为插件加载使用,从 Office 2016 版开始,Power Query 的功能集成到 Excel 中...微软推出 Power BI Desktop 后,一系列的工具,比如 Power Query, Power Pivot, Power View 等,都集成在其中。...Power Query 的功能在 Excel 和 Power BI Desktop ...