For more than a century, IBM has been a global technology innovator, leading advances in AI, automation and hybrid cloud solutions that help businesses grow.
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2,点击下载e-padm,安装后同样重新启动计算机(必须)。 3,打开 ...
ibmcloud ks cluster config --cluster CLUSTER [--admin] [--endpoint ENDPOINT_TYPE] [--network] [--skip-rbac] [-q] [-o] 最低必需许可权 查看者 或读者 IBM Cloud IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service中集群的 IAM 服务访问角色。 此外,如果您只有平台访问权限或只有服务访问权限,则适用附加限制。 平台...
6. 修改完毕之后,重新运行/opt/mqm/bin/mqconfig确认我们的修改已经生效,然后就可以进行下一步了;否则重新修改 7. 安装 WebSphere MQ for Linux 客户端 mq01:~/mq # rpm -ivh MQSeriesClient-7.1.0-3.i386.rpm 8. 安装 WebSphere MQ 样本程序 ...
Unlock the intelligence of AI and the agility of hybrid cloud with our hybrid cloud software to help modernize, predict, automate and secure your business.
By using DRS, users can leverage new detection mechanisms for their environment to detect threats early, and get a full view of the infrastructure by connecting primary storage arrays like IBM FlashSystem® and auxiliary storage solutions for backup, such as IBM Defender ......
e. Configuraiton Wizard:配置向导,选择此选项可以新建,清除,添加配置信息 f. Adapter Selection:选择适配器 g. Physical View:切换物理/逻辑视图 h. Events:查看适配器的事件日志 i. Exit:退出WebBIOS配置工具 2. WebBIOS配置工具菜单栏: 配置阵列:
/opt/IBM/HTTPServer/plugings/config/*/plugin-cfg.xml $LOGS/ihs/$i/ scp -r -i ~/.ssh/orchestrator $USER@$i:/opt/IBM/HTTPServer/Plugin/webserver1/logs/* $LOGS/ihs/$i/ scp -r -i ~/.ssh/orchestrator $USER@$i:/tmp/capture*.pcap* $LOGS/ihs/$i/ done for i in wl1hostname ...