como um nome de BGN (Bridge Group Name, nome do grupo de ponte) definido pelo usuário,suporte de LAN virtual (VLAN)e função.O exemplo mostra um MAP com suporte
o Nginx está noactive (running)status e o ID do processo da instância do Nginx é 8539. Observe também asenabledinstruções evendor preset: enabled.Enabledsignifica que este daemon será iniciado quando a máquina for reiniciada evendor preset: en...
1、第一步,重新启动计算机,见下图,转到下面的步骤。2、第二步,执行完上面的操作之后,在此界面中按F2键,见下图,转到下面的步骤。3、第三步,执行完上面的操作之后,弹出的界面将进入BootMenu菜单栏,见下图,转到下面的步骤。4、第四步,执行完上面的操作之后,按箭头键选择“Advanced BIOS fe...
1、首先将电脑重新启动,等待进入到启动的界面。2、然后在这个界面中按下F2键。3、然后弹出来的界面就会进入BootMenu菜单栏。4、然后在这个界面中,按方向键选择Advanced BIOS features选项。5、然后在弹出来的界面中,选择Hard Disk Boot Priority,回车确定。6、在打...
HUAWEI eKit App MiniFTTO - How to Configure Physical Topology Translation Favorite Download Feedback Digital Signature Authentication Mode Published On:2024-09-10 Views:1084 Downloads:113 Document ID:EDOC1100345026 Online view is not supported. ...
Configure DLDP FunctionsPre-configuration Tasks Before configuring DLDP, ensure that the interfaces on both ends work in non-auto-negotiation mode. When directly connected interfaces at both ends are configured with auto-negotiation and DLDP, if one unidirectional link fails, the two interfaces go ...
Configure DLDP FunctionsPre-configuration Tasks Before configuring DLDP, ensure that the interfaces on both ends work in non-auto-negotiation mode. When directly connected interfaces at both ends are configured with auto-negotiation and DLDP, if one unidirectional link fails, the two interfaces go ...
POP of IMAP configureren in Mac OS X Als u alleen uw Exchange e-mail op de Mac wilt beheren, kunt u ook POP- of IMAP-toegang tot uw account instellen. Open Mail en ga daarna als volgt te werk: Als u Mail nog nooit hebt gebruikt om een e-mailaccount in te stelle...
ClickConfigure Electronic Signature Preferences. TheConfigure E-Signatures Preferencespage opens. It displays the supply chain management transactions that support the use of e-signatures. You can select the inventory organization for which to view the transactions. ...
De Microsoft Security DevOps Azure DevOps-extensie configureren: Aanmelden bij Azure DevOps. Navigeer naar Extensies voor Shopping Bag>Manage. Selecteer Gedeeld. Notitie Als u de Microsoft Security DevOps-extensie al hebt geïnstalleerd, wordt deze weergegeven op het tabblad Geïnstallee...